Personal Details of Philip Henry Mortimer


Buried:  24/07/1913

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Philip Henry Mortimer.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Philip Henry Mortimer, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Philip Henry Mortimer.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Philip Henry Mortimer.

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Burial Register
Name at death Philip Henry Mortimer
Age at Death 72
Burial Date 24 July 1913
Abode Winton House, Newtown Road,
Official at Burial F W Clarke
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 248
Reccord Number 9178
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Philip Henry Mortimer
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  North Kerbstone: Outer slope: To the Loving Memory of Julia Mortimer, who died July 8th. 1913 aged 76 years. // South Kerbstone: Outer slope: And of her husband Phil Mortimer of Winton House, Newbury, who died July 22nd. 1913 aged 73 years. South Kerbstone: Top: Kate Mortimer, their eldest daughter, died May 30, 1933 aged 72. // West Kerbstone: Outer slope: In death they were not divided. //
Name on Memorial Phil MORTIMER
Date of death 22/07/1913
Age 73
Gender Male
Memorial Type 4 Kerbstones; 4 Cornerstones; Vase.
Construction Material Granite Lead letters
Condition of memorial Excellent condition.
Pattison Location Code LS(J)45
Others named on memorial

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Philip Henry Mortimer
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 31/07/1913
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News



The funeral of the late Mr. Philip Mortimer, of Winton House, took place on Thursday afternoon at Newbury Cemetery. The coffin, of polished oak, with handsome brass fittings,, with plate, was engraved

“Philip Henry Mortimer

died July 22nd, 1913

in his 73rd year”

The Rev. F.W. Clarke officiated, and the mourners were Messrs. P. and L.G. Mortimer (sons), Mrs. Viney, Misses Julia and Edith Mortimer, Mrs. Blea (daughters), Mr. F. Viney, Mrs Blea (sons in law), Mr. James Mortimer,Mrs. Lay (brother and sister), Mrs. P. and Mrs. L.G. Mortimer (daughters in law), Mrs. Lydia Perry (sister), Mrs. J. J. Davies (cousin).

Floral offerings were contributed by his sorrowing daughters, Kate, Louie and Edie, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. Viney, Mr. and Mrs Blea, Doris, Cyril, Ruby, Beryl and Eileen (grandchildren), Mrs. Lay, Mrs. Perry and Miss Perry, Mr. S. Mortimer, Willy, Godfrey and Beryl Lay (Thatcham), Mrs. J. J. Davies, E. Newman and all at Romsey, Poppy, Will, Mac and Bert, Miss A. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Whitington and family.

Among those present at the graveside were the Rev. C.V. Pike, Rev. J. Neville, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Mr. A. Attewell, Mr. S. Walter, Mrs. B. Gould, Miss Midwinter, Mrs. Cook, Miss Franklin.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Penford and Sons.

Newbury Weekly News 31 July 1913

Mr. P. p. 156 L S(J) 45


BMD Deaths

Sep Q 1913 Philip H. Mortimer aged 72 Newbury 2c 252

Sep Q 1913 Julia Mortimer aged 76 Newbury 2c 251

Jun Q 1933 Kate aged 72 Newbury 2c 290 (eldest daughter)

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Philip Henry Mortimer.

Philip Henry Mortimer 1840-1913

Philip Henry Mortimer


Philip Henry, his parents, siblings and early life:

Philip’s father was baptised on the 18th September 1797 at the Lower Meeting House Independent Newbury the son of Samuel and Mary Mortimer (nee Woolley) who married on the 6th October 1785 at St Alphege, Greenwich.

His mother Harriett Adams was born c1808 in Leckhampstead Berkshire.

Philip and Harriett were married on the 9th April 1833 at St Mary the Virgin Speen Berkshire. Philip was a widower and Harriet was a spinster.

 (Philip married Lydia Bennett on the 21st September 1823 at St Mary, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire. They had a son William Bennett Mortimer born on the 25th April 1826, baptised on the 22nd May 1826 at the Lower Meeting House Independent, Newbury Berkshire. Lydia died aged 29 on the 1st November 1831, she was buried on the 7th November).

Philip and Harriett had the following children:

Mary Hannah born 4th March 1834 (died in 1836, buried 19th February at Lower Meeting House Newbury)

James Joseph Mortimer c1838

William c1839

Philip Henry 1840 in Leckhampstead

Samuel 1842

Mary Henrietta 1845

Lydia Ann 1848

The 1841 census records Philip (6 months) living with his parents and his brother James (3) in Chieveley, Berkshire. His father was recorded as a Farmer.

The 1851 census records Philip (53) as an Annuitant living in Stroud Green, Newbury with Harriet (43), James Joseph (13), Philip (10), Samuel (8), Mary Henrietta (5) and Lydia Ann (2)

Philip’s parents and his sister Lydia (12) were recorded in the 1861 census living at 4 Railway Terrace, Newbury. His father was recorded as a retired Farmer.

His father died aged 72 on the 19th May 1870 he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 24th May.

His mother and sister Lydia were recorded in the 1871 census living in Railway Terrace, Newbury. (Lydia married James Perry in 1876).

In 1881 Harriett was living with James and Lydia at 42 St John’s Road, Deptford, Lewisham. She died aged 79 on the 23rd February 1887 (death registered in Greenwich). Her body was brought back to Newbury and she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery with her husband Philip and sister-in-law Mary Oldham on the 28th February.

Philip Henry in later life:

Philip Henry was a Master Baker, he married Julia Baggs in 1860 (marriage registered in Newbury) and they had the following eleven children:

Kate c1861 (died aged 72 in 1933 buried in the NRC on the 2nd June)

Philip Henry 1862 (married Gertrude May Philpots in 1893, died aged 69 in 1932 in Lambeth)

Leonard George 1863 (married Amy Louise Newman in 1898 in Romsey, died aged 57 in 1921 in Wandsworth)

Lavinia 1865 (married Frederick Viney in 1891, died aged 80 in 1946 in Abingdon)

Frederic Charles 1866 (died aged 0 1867 buried in the NRC on the 30th January)

Male c1868 (died without being named, buried in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 14th February 1868)

Samuel 1869 (Joined the Merchant Navy, emigrated to Australia, married Emma Hedley Nicoll in 1897, died 1954 in New South Wales)

Julia Janetta 1871 (died aged 67 on the 11th March 1939 buried in the NRC on the 15th March)

Edith 1872 (died aged 87 in 1960 in Abingdon)

Eleanor Gertrude 1876 (married Tom Blea in 1906, died aged 66 in 1942)

Thomas Raymond 1885 (died age 0 in 1885 buried in the NRC on the 16th October)


In 1861 Philip (20), Julia (23) and their daughter Kate (9 months) were living at 141 Bartholomew Street, Newbury.

The 1871, 1881 and 1891 census records also record the family living in Bartholomew Street, as follows:

1871: Philip (30), Julia (33), Kate (10), Len (6), Lavinia (5) and Samuel (2).

1881: Philip (40), Julia (43), Kate (20), a cripple), a Bookkeeper, Leonard (17) a Grocer’s Assistant, Lavinia (15), a Drapers Apprentice, Samuel (12), Julia (9), Edith (8) and Eleanor (4).

 1891: Philip (50), Julia (54), Kate (30) Mother’s Help, Julia (20) a Bookkeeper, Edith (18) a Draper’s Assistant and Eleanor (14).

In 1901 the family were recorded living in Crown Court, Bartholomew Street, as follows; Philip (60), a Master Baker/Confectioner/Shopkeeper, Julia (64), Kate (39), Julia (29) and Eleanor (24).

 By 1911 Philip (71) had retired and was living at Winton House, Newtown Road, Newbury with Julia (74) and their children Kate (50), Julia (39) and Edith (38) a Ladies Outfitter.

Julia died aged 76 on the 8th July 1913, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 12th July.

Philip Henry died on the 22nd July 1913, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 24th July (freebmd records Philip’s age at death as 72, MI records him aged 73.)




Probate: MORTIMER Philip Henry of Winton House Newtown-road Newbury Berkshire died 22nd July 1913 Probate London 8th September to Philip Henry Mortimer bank manager and Leonard George Mortimer wine merchant. Effects: £8536 7s

Author: C Gambles

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