Personal Details of Emma Elizabeth Salter


Buried:  29/07/1912

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Emma Elizabeth Salter.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Emma Elizabeth Salter, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Emma Elizabeth Salter.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Emma Elizabeth Salter.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Emma Elizabeth Salter
Age at Death 66
Burial Date 29 July 1912
Abode 6 Chestnut Court,
Official at Burial F Charlie Edwards
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 230
Reccord Number 9035
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Emma Elizabeth Salter
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Emma Elizabeth Salter.

Emma Elizabeth Salter (1851 – 1912)

Emma Elizabeth Salter (1851 – 1912)


Emma Long was born in 1851 in Tilshead, near Devizes, in Wiltshire. She was baptized as Emma on 6 April 1851 at St Thomas a Becket in Tilshead, her mother was recorded as Henrietta but no father named.


A few days before the baptism in the 1851 census, taken on 30 March, Emma, aged 5 weeks, along with her mother Henrietta was living in Tilshead in the household of Matthew Munday and his family. Henrietta was recorded as a lodger and a labourer.


Henrietta died in July 1857 and was buried in Tilshead on 15 July.


In the 1861 census Emma, aged 9 was recorded as a scholar living in Tilshead with her uncle Henry Long and his family.


Emma married Thomas Willmot on 30 July 1870 at St Mark & Luke in Avington, Berkshire. She was recorded as a cook living in Avington. Thomas was born circa 1848 in Wantage and was a carter living in Avington at the time of the marriage.


A daughter Emma Elizabeth was born in early 1871 in Hungerford. She was baptized on 29 March 1871 at St Lawrence in Hungerford when her mother was recorded as Emma Elizabeth, rather than just Emma. A couple of days later in the 1871 census Thomas and Emma were recorded living in Black Way in Hungerford with Thomas a labourer.


Emma had another daughter Agnes Matilda Willmot in 1874 in Wantage. Thomas then seems to leave the family, no death record can be found for him and he cannot be found in subsequent censuses.


Then in 1877 Emma had a son Samuel James Salter who was born in Curridge in Berkshire and the father was Samuel Salter. No details of any marriage of Emma and Samuel can be found. Samuel was born in 1850 in Curridge near Newbury.


In the 1881 census Emma and Samuel with children (all recorded with surname Salter) Emma, Agnes and Samuel were living in Collingbourne Kingston in Wiltshire with Samuel a labourer. 


Ten years later in the 1891 census Emma and Samuel with children Samuel aged 15, Hannah aged 11, Henrietta aged 6 and Henry aged 3 were living in Minety in Wiltshire with Samuel senior a farm servant and son Samuel employed on a farm.


Samuel was recorded as a boarder in the Gardeners Arms, Oxford Road in Newbury working as a haulage contractor in the 1901 census. No trace of Emma or youngest son Henry in the census.


Then in the 1911 census Emma and Samuel and a grand-son were living 6 Chestnut Court, Bartholomew Street in Newbury with Samuel a general labourer.


Emma died in July 1912 while still living at 6 Chestnut Court and she was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 29 July.


Samuel was recorded with his daughter Henrietta Lovelock and her family at 59 Kingsbridge Road in Newbury in the 1921 census, he was no longer working. He died just over four years later on 5 July 1925 while still living at 59 Kingsbridge Road. He was buried in Shaw Cemetery on 8 July.



Author: Salter

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