Personal Details of Ann Elizabeth Nutley


Buried:  27/01/1905

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Ann Elizabeth Nutley.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Ann Elizabeth Nutley, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Ann Elizabeth Nutley.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Ann Elizabeth Nutley.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Ann Elizabeth Nutley
Age at Death 73
Burial Date 27 January 1905
Abode Mentmore, Bath Road,
Official at Burial F E Overton
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 095
Reccord Number 7958
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Ann Elizabeth Nutley
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  North face of copestone: In Affectionate Remembrance of/ William Nutley/ born June 22nd 1799, died June 13th. 1881/ and of Mary Anne, his wife, who died Jany. 2nd. 1863 aged 60years. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." REV II.X South face of copestone: Also of Charles Nutley/ born May 24th. 1831, died May 20th. 1891./ Also of Elizabeth Nutley wife of the above/ died Jan. 24th. 1905 aged 73 years. "For we have not our high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infinities" East face of copestone: Mary Diddams/ died May 8th. 1889/ aged 86. East face of pedestal: Also Mary Jane Beale. niece of the above died June 2nd.1871 aged 52.
Name on Memorial Elizabeth NUTLEY
Date of death 24/01/1905
Age 73
Gender Female
Memorial Type Copestone on pedestal
Construction Material Limestone with engraved letters
Condition of memorial Good
Pattison Location Code W136
Others named on memorial
William NUTLEY
Mary Anne NUTLEY
Charles NUTLEY
Mary Jane BEALE

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Ann Elizabeth Nutley
Source: Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Article date: 02/02/1905
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News





The death occurred on Wednesday, the 24th ult., after a lengthened illness, of the late Mrs. Nutley of Mentmore, Bath-road, Reading. The deceased was widow of the late Mr. Charles Nutley, after whose death the family removed from Newbury to Reading.

The funeral took place at the Cemetery, Newbury, on Friday the 27th inst., (sic) in the family vault. The remains were conveyed by road, the family going by train, where the cortége was made up, and composed the following : The Rev. W. Nutley, Miss Nutley, Mr. Walter Neale (son-in-law), Mrs. Walter Neale (daughter), Rev. C. E. Nutley, Miss Kate Nutley, Miss Edith Nutley, Mr. Robert Cooper (nephew), Rev. Albert Baines, Mr. H. M. Garrett, Mr. Frank Welman, Mr. and Miss Mundy, Dr, Price, Nurse Newby, and Mrs. Ball.

The service was held at St. John's Church, where assembled several of the old friends of the deceased when resident in the locality many years previously, including Mrs. and Miss Skinner, Mr. John Skinner. Mr. D. R. Jones, Mrs. Pearce, &c.

The Rev. F. E. Overton was the officiating clergyman. The floral tributes were numerous and I beautiful from the following friends … list follows.

The consisted of a shell and outer case of cabinet oak, with brass fittings, and bore the inscription on a brass plate, "Ann Elizabeth Nutley, Died January 24th, 1905, aged 73 years".

The whole of the arrangements were entrusted to Messrs. Heelas, Ltd., of Reading, and were carried out by Mr. W. B. Fordham.


Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 02 February, 1905

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

There is no biographical information available for Ann Elizabeth Nutley. If you have any information that could help us, please contact the History Research Group.

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