Personal Details of William Stillman


Buried:  10/01/1905

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on William Stillman.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on William Stillman, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of William Stillman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of William Stillman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death William Stillman
Age at Death 86
Burial Date 10 January 1905
Abode Brynafon, Kennet Road,
Official at Burial E Turland
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 094
Reccord Number 7951
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for William Stillman
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Headstone: In Memory of / William Stillman / who died January 5th. 1905 / aged 86 years. / Also of / Sarah Ann / wife of the above / who died October 24th. 1903 / aged 80 years. / Also of Purver William / son of the above / who died at Seattle, U.S.A. April 30th. 1892 / aged 30 years. / Also of / Elizabeth / daughter of the above / who died February 18th. 1914 / aged 63 years. / "Peace Perfect peace." // Footstone: W.S. / 1905 / S.A.S. / 1903 / P.W.S. / 1892 / E.S. / 1914 //
Name on Memorial William STILLMAN
Date of death 05/01/1905
Age 86
Gender Male
Memorial Type Headstone; Footstone
Construction Material Sandstone Engraved
Condition of memorial Good condition. A little weathering. Some ivy cover.
Pattison Location Code P(D)2
Recorder's Notes Biographies of the Stillmans already on FNRC website. In addition, the US death record for Purver William states he was a Rancher & he died from Appendicitis. Sources: NRC Bur Recd; Ancestry records. There are no NRC records for Purver's burial !
Others named on memorial
Elizabeth  Stillman
Purver William Stillman

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

William Stillman
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 12/01/1905
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News


The funeral took place on Tuesday of Mr. William Stillman, who died at Brynafon, Kennet-road on Thursday, at the venerable age of 86. He will be recollected by older townspeople as the carrier between Newbury and Thatcham, instituting a daily service between the two places. The interment took place at the Cemetery, the Rev. Ephraim Turland, Presbyterian minister, officiating.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

The pictures below are all linked with William Stillman.
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William Stillman (policeman)
© NWN Newbury Today Geraldine Garner

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about William Stillman.

William Stillman

William Stillman (1818 – 1905)

                              Sarah Ann Stillman (1823 – 1903)


William Stillman was born 22 March 1818 in Piccadilly, London. He was baptized 30 March 1818 at St James in Piccadilly, son of Richard and Jane. Sarah Ann Purver was born 8 February 1823 in Newbury and baptized 24 August 1823 at the Upper Meeting House of Newbury Presbyterians. Her parents were Thomas and Elizabeth.

William and Sarah married on 4 August 1846 at St Nicolas in Newbury. William was recorded as a shoemaker, as was Sarah’s father Thomas.

 In the 1851 census William and Sarah were living with in Bartholomew Street in Newbury with son Thomas and daughter Elizabeth and a general servant, Ann French aged 24. William was recorded as a leather cutter and seller. Ten years later in 1861 William and Sarah with five children and a house servant were still living in Bartholomew Street with William recorded as a leather seller.

 In the 1871 census William and Sarah were recorded living at 6 West Fields in Newbury with William recorded as a policeman, son Thomas as a grocer’s shopman and daughter Mary Jane an outfitter’s assistant.

The Newbury Weekly News edition of 10 April 1879 announced the death of Alice Stillman on 4 April 1879 at West Fields, third daughter of William Stillman in the 21st year of her age. Alice was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 12 April 1879.

William and Sarah were still living at 6 West Fields in the 1881 census along with daughter Mary Jane and son Purver. William was recorded as a carrier, Mary Jane a draper’s assistant and Purver a carrier’s son.

The death of daughter Mary Jane Stillman at West Fields on 6 October 1884, second daughter of W and S A Stillman aged 32, was announced in the Newbury Weekly News of 9 October 1884. Mary Jane was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 10 October 1884.

In the 1891 census William and Sarah were living at 133 Bartholomew Street in Newbury with their son Thomas who was the head of the house and daughter Elizabeth. William was recorded as a carrier and Thomas a grocer.

Ten years later in 1901 William was recorded with son Thomas and daughter Elizabeth living at Brynafon in Kennet Road in Newbury. Sarah Ann was recorded with her sister Hannah Hattatt and daughter Sarah Emeline living at Marsh Cottage in Newbury.

Sarah Ann died 24 October 1903 at Marsh Cottage and was buried 28 October 1903 at Newtown Road Cemetery.

William died 5 January 1905 at Brynafon in Kennet Road and was buried 10 January 1905 at Newtown Road Cemetery. He left a will and probate was granted 10 August 1905 at London to his son Thomas Hedges, a school attendance officer. The value of the estate was £199 8s 7d. His death was announced in the Newbury Weekly News dated 5 January 1905. In the 12 January 1905 edition there were details of the funeral and also it mentioned that older people will recollect that he was the carrier between Newbury and Thatcham and had instituted the daily service between the two places.

In addition, three more of William and Sarah’s children were buried at Newtown Road, Elizabeth on 23 February 1914, Thomas Hedges on 19 September 1925 and Sarah Emeline on 10 September 1937. Their son Purver William Stillman died 30 April 1892 in a hospital in Fairhaven, Washington, United States of America and a memorial was erected at Newtown Road Cemetery in his memory.











Author: Gerald Soper
© Gerald Soper

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