Personal Details of Hannah Knight


Buried:  02/01/1875

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Hannah Knight.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Hannah Knight, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Hannah Knight.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Hannah Knight.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Hannah Knight
Age at Death 66
Burial Date 02 January 1875
Official at Burial Jabez Higham
Burial Register Index
Book 1868
Page Number 113
Reccord Number 3297
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Hannah Knight
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  West face of copestone, from top: In Memory of/ George Knight/ late of the Town Mills Newbury/ who departed this life Dec.5th 1871./ Also of Hannah the beloved wife of/ George Knight who died Dec. 24th 1874 aged 66 years. East face of copestone, from top: In Memory of/ Edward William, son of George & Hannah Knight who died July 1850 aged 5 years./ Also of Jane Knight who died May 27th 1853/ aged 4 years. / And of George Knight who died April 20th 1858 aged 17 years. Also of Charlotte Knight who died Aug. 12th 1859 aged 21 years./ North face of copestone: Also of Martha Knight / who died Sept.9th 1863 aged 20 yrs./ South face of copestone: Also of Sarah Knight/ who died June 12th/ 1862 aged 25 yrs.
Name on Memorial Hannah Knight
Date of death 24/12/1874
Age 66
Gender Female
Memorial Type Coped stone
Construction Material Sandstone with engraved letters
Condition of memorial Fair, weather stained
Pattison Location Code C83
Others named on memorial
George Knight
Edward William Knight
Jane Knight
George Knight
Charlotte Knight
Martha Ann Knight
Sarah Knight

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Hannah Knight.

Hannah Knight

Hannah Knight (1808- 1874)

George Knight (1806 – 1871)


George was born circa 1806 in Newbury, as yet no baptism record has been found. He

married Hannah Smith on 19 October 1828 at St Nicolas in Newbury. Hannah was born circa 1808 in Kingsclere. It is possible that Hannah was baptized 10 February 1808 at St Mary in Kingsclere, daughter of James Smith & Sarah Barnard but there a number of Hannah Smiths baptized in Kingsclere around 1808.


In the 1841 census George & Hannah with five children were living in Bartholomew Street in Newbury & George was recorded as a mealman. In the 1851 census George & Hannah with four children & a general servant were recorded at Town Mill in Newbury with George now a miller & mealman.


An announcement appeared in the Reading Mercury dated 5 August 1854 that the partnership between Edward & George Knight, corn dealers, millers & mealman was dissolved on 3 August 1854.


In an article in the Reading Mercury dated 22 March 1856 discussing the election of an alderman to Newbury Council it was mentioned that George was one of the largest rate payers & a man of solid business habits who took a lively interest in the affairs of the borough.


In the 1861 census George & Hannah with two daughters and a house servant were recorded as living in Hove & Flour Mill in West Mills with George recorded as a master miller employing eleven men and one boy. By the 1871 census George & Hannah were living in Speenhamland with a general servant & George was recorded as a miller employing thirteen men and one boy.


George died 5 December 1871 and announcements appeared in Newbury Weekly News on 7 December 1871 & Reading Mercury on 9 December 1871. In the latter it stated George died at Donnington Road in Newbury after a protracted illness. George was buried 8 December 1871 at Newtown Road Cemetery.


George left a will & probate was granted 28 March 1872 at the Principal Registry Office. The value of the estate was under £8,000. One of the executors was Edward Knight, his brother, also a mealman & probably buried 29 March 1879 at Newtown Road.


An announcement appeared in the Newbury Weekly News that the executors of George Knight were instructed to sell three lots at the Chequers Hotel in Speenhamland on 11 April 1872. The first lot was two mills, outbuildings, machinery & two cottages, the second lot was three parcels of meadows & arable land while the third lot was an allotment of land at Wash Common.


Hannah died 29 December 1874 at Speenhamland and was buried 2 January 1875 at Newtown Road Cemetery. She left a will and probate was granted 17 February 1875 at Oxford.  The value ofthe estate was under £800 

Author: Gerald Soper
© Gerald Soper

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