Personal Details of Arthur Wellington Purdue


Buried:  08/02/1918

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Arthur Wellington Purdue.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Arthur Wellington Purdue, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Arthur Wellington Purdue.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Arthur Wellington Purdue.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Arthur Wellington Purdue
Age at Death 65
Burial Date 08 February 1918
Abode Fishers Farm, Long Lane
Official at Burial J. Edward Peel
Comments Mrs P page 198 NX2
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 014
Reccord Number 9705
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Arthur Wellington Purdue
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  ILMO / MARTHA ANN / the good and beloved wife of / A.W.PURDUE / (Market Place, Newbury). / who fell asleep Aug. 6th 1898 / aged 43 years. / Much beloved by all her children. /"Let me go, I may not tarry / wrestling thus with doubts and fears / Angels wait, my soul to carry / where my risen Lord appears. / Husband , children, weep not so. / if you love me, let me go." / Also of ARTHER WELLINGTON PURDUE / who fell asleep Feb. 5th 1918 aged 65 years . /"He is gone in peace."
Name on Memorial Arthur Wellington Purdue
Date of death 05/02/1918
Age 65
Gender Male
Memorial Type
Construction Material
Condition of memorial
Pattison Location Code Mx 2
Others named on memorial
Martha Ann Purdue

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Arthur Wellington Purdue.

Arthur Wellington Purdue

Arthur Wellington Purdue


Arthur was born in Newbury the son of Charles and Elizabeth Purdue (nee Keys) who married in Newbury in 1850.

Charles was born c1825 in Newbury the son of Charles and Ann Purdue (nee Lawrence) who were married on the 19th April 1819 at St Nicolas Church Newbury.

 Elizabeth was born c1821 in Newbury the daughter of John and Catherine Keys (nee Brown) who were married on the 21st October 1813 in Albury Oxfordshire.


Charles and Elizabeth also had the following children:

Catherine Maria c1851

Helen Elizabeth born 1854 ((aka Ellen) died aged 7 in 1861, buried on the 20th November at St Mary the Virgin Sahw-cum-Donnington)

Charles c1857 (aka John Charles)

Frederick William 1859 (died shortly after birth, buried on the 28th December 1859 at St Mary the Virgin Shaw-cum-Donnington)

The 1851 census records Arthur’s father Charles (27), as a Grocer, living in the Broadway Newbury with Elizabeth (29) and their daughter Catherine Maria aged 2 months.

In 1861 Arthur W (5) was recorded living in Shaw-cum-Donnington with his parents, Charles (36) a Maltster and Elizabeth (40) and his siblings Catherine (10), Ellen E (6) and John C (2).

Arthur’s mother Elizabeth died aged 43 in 1862 she was buried on the 15th September at St Mary the Virgin Shaw-cum-Donnington.

Arthur’s father remarried in Newbury in 1863 his 2nd wife was Ruth Darvill (nee Darvill), (widow of Richard Darvill).

Charles and Ruth had the following 9 children: Clara 1864, Herbert 1865, Ada 1867, Edith 1868, Fanny Sarah c1870, May Louise 1871, Cecilia c1873, Beatrice c1874 and Frederick 1877 (all were given the middle name Darvill).

The 1871 census records Arthur Wellington (18), as a Brewer, living in Donnington Village with his father Charles (46), a Brewer, his step-mother, Ruth (37),  his brother John Charles (12) and half siblings, Herbert (5), Ada (3), Edith (2) and Fanny Sarah (1).

Arthur married Martha Ann Cooper in Newbury in 1877, they had the following children:

Arthur Charles c1878

Jessy Elizabeth 1879

EllenMaud 1881(died aged 1 in 1882, buried in the NRC on the 3rd May)

Walter Wellington 1884

Sidney Cooper 1886

Archie William c1888

Cecil Frank 1890

Edward Harold c1892

Reggie 1893 (died aged 0 in 1893, buried in the NRC on the 18th April)

Albert Bernard 1894

Winifred Ruth 1896

The1881 census records Arthur (28), as a Corn Dealer, living at 30 Cheap Street Newbury with Martha (26), (recorded as Mary A), Arthur C (3) and Jessy E (1) (recorded as Isobel E)

Arthur’s father Charles and his step-mother Ruth both died in 1885. Charles was buried on the 18th April and Ruth was buried on the 15th December both were buried at St Mary the Virgin Shaw-cum-Donnington.

By 1891 Arthur (38) had a Corn Dealers Shop in the Market Place Newbury, he was recorded as a Corn Dealer and Carman in the census for this year, living with his wife Martha (36)and their children,  Jessie (11), Walter (7), Sidney (5), Arthur (3) and Cecil (1).

Martha died aged 43 on the 6th August 1898 she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 10th August

Arthur was still living in the Market Place, Newbury and was still working as a Corn Dealer in 1901. By 1911 he was a Farmer. He is recorded in the 1915 Kelly’s Directory of Berkshire as a Farmer at Fisher’s Farm Cold Ash Newbury.  

Arthur died aged 65 on the 5th February 1918 he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 8th February.


Probate:  Purdue Arthur Wellington of Fishers Farm Cold Ash Berkshire retired farmer died 5th February 1918 Probate Oxford 5th June to Arthur Charles Purdue farmer. Effects: £3859 1s

Author: Christine Gambles

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