Personal Details of Elsie May Hieatt


Buried:  09/01/1987

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Elsie May Hieatt.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Elsie May Hieatt, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Elsie May Hieatt.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Elsie May Hieatt.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Elsie May Hieatt
Age at Death 92
Burial Date 09 January 1987
Abode 97, Greenham Rd
Official at Burial A.J. Bolt
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 315
Reccord Number 12119
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Elsie May Hieatt
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Elsie May Hieatt.

Elsie May Hieatt (1895 – 1987)

Sidney Hieatt (1876 – 1937)

Elsie May Hieatt (1895 – 1987)


Sidney Hieatt was born in 1876 in Aynho in Northamptonshire the son of John and Elizabeth, nee Ranson, Hieatt. In the 1881 census Sidney was living in Aynho with his parents and four brothers and a sister, his father John was recorded as a coal merchant. In the 1891 census Sidney and his parents and siblings were living in Deddington in Oxfordshire, his father John was still a coal merchant and Sidney was assisting in the business. No trace of Sidney in the 1901 census.


Elsie May Stephens was born 23 November 1894 in Newbury, the daughter of Joseph William James and Mary Jane, nee Eggleton, Stephens. In the 1901 census Elsie May was living with her parents at 1 East View Cottages, Livingstone Road in Newbury along with her sister Daisy aged 5 and brother William (Joseph) aged 3. Her father Joseph was recorded as a plumber.


In the 1911 census Elsie May was living with her parents at North Villa, Kings Road in Newbury and also with her sister Daisy Annie aged 14, brother Joseph William James aged 13 along with a cousin Millicent Martha Houstan aged 6. Joseph senior was recorded as a store keeper, Elsie as a nurse girl domestic, Daisy as a general servant domestic while Joseph junior was still at school. There was also a boarder in the house, Elsie’s future husband Sidney Hieatt who was recorded as a butcher.


Sidney and Elsie May married in 1916 in Newbury. In July 1916 and May 1917 Sidney was given exemption from call up for military service because of his occupation.


Sidney and Elsie May were recorded in the electoral registers at 17 Stanley Road in Newbury from 1925 to 1929. In 1930 and subsequent years they were recorded at 97 Greenham Road.


Sidney died on 2 June 1937 aged 60 and he was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 7 June 1937. He left a will and probate was granted on 13 August 1937 at Oxford to his widow Elsie May and Benoni Lawrence Hieatt, a butcher. The value of the estate was £2,768 4s 7d.


In September 1939 when the National Register was compiled Elsie May was living at 97 Greenham Road in Newbury with her daughters Joan and Brenda and four others. Elsie’s occupation was recorded as unpaid domestic duties, Joan was a child’s nurse and Brenda a cashier.


Elsie May died on 6 January 1987 aged 92 while living at 97 Greenham Road and she was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 9 January 1987. She left a will and probate was granted on 17 March 1987 at Oxford. The value of the estate was £2,053.


Elsie’s parents were both buried at Newtown Road Cemetery, her father Joseph William James on 12 December 1953 and her mother Mary Ann on 19 April 1943.

Author: G Soper

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