Personal Details of Elizabeth Stillman


Buried:  04/02/1888

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Elizabeth Stillman.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Elizabeth Stillman, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Elizabeth Stillman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Elizabeth Stillman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register

There is no burial register information available for Elizabeth Stillman.
Only three of the five burial register books still exist as far as we know and these are held at the Berkshire Record Office.
Stillborn children were not recorded in the burial register, only in the cemetery accounts.

Memorial Details
  STMO/ Thomas STILLMAN/ who died may 29th 1851/ aged 41 years./ Also of Harriet, his wife./ Also William STILLMAN/ who died April 29th. 1874/ aged 54 years./ Also Elizabeth, his wife/ who died March 29th. 1888/ aged 78 years./ Also Catherine, Susan and Lucy/ children of the above W. & E. STILLMAN/ Also Martha STILLMAN/ who died Jany. 8th. 1888/ aged 82 years/ Also Sarah PENDLE/ who died Jany. 10th 1888/ aged 74 years./ Also Elizabeth. STILLMAN/ who died Jany. 28 1884/ aged 102 years.
Name on Memorial Elizabeth Stillman
Date of death 28/01/1888
Age 102
Gender Female
Memorial Type
Construction Material
Condition of memorial
Pattison Location Code NE 38
Others named on memorial
Thomas Stillman
Harriett Stillman
William Stillman
Elizabeth Stillman
Catherine Stillman
Susan Margaret Stillman
Lucy Stillman
Martha Stillman
Sarah Pendle

Cemetery accounts

This information is taken from the accounts ledgers of the Newbury Cemetery Company that originally ran and maintained the cemetery.
The Ledgers are held at the Berkshire Records Office.

Name at death Elizabeth Stillman
Date of burial 04/02/1888
Whence brought Newbury
Where & how buried Consecrated Private Grave
By whom buried Reverend Cecil Square
Account Entry Book 02 - Page 036
Transcription comments On FBMD

Accounts Entry for Elizabeth Stillman
© Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Elizabeth Stillman
Source: Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Article date: 02/02/1888
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News




—By the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Stillman, of Wash-road, Newbury has lost its centenarian, the old lady having nearly attained the remarkable age of 102, her birthday being in April. As we recorded a week or two since, Mrs. Stillman had recently sustained a double bereavement by the death of her two step-daughters, Miss Martha Stillman, aged 82, and Mrs. Pendle, 74. They died within a few days of each other, and were buried on the same day, and it is only natural to suppose that this must have been a severe shock to the aged lady, who although in possession of all her mental faculties, was in a delicate state of health.

Mrs. Stillman comes of a long lived family, being a daughter of Mr. Thomas Clayton, who died at the patriarchal age of 104, in King John's Almshouses, in 1846. Although living in stirring times, and under the reign four sovereigns, George III., William IV., George IV., and Victoria, hers has been a comparatively uneventful life. She had seen two royal Jubilees, that of George III , in 1810, and that of Queen Victoria. in 1887.

She was the second wife of her late husband, and there was only one son by this marriage, and he died 30 or 40 years ago. There are three grandsons and one grand-daughter living.

The funeral takes place in Newbury cemetery nest Saturday.

Newbury Weekly New1s and General Advertiser - Thursday 02 February 1888

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Elizabeth Stillman.

Elizabeth Stillman

Elizabeth Stillman (1786 – 1888)


 Elizabeth Clayton was born 14 April 1786 in Newbury the daughter of Thomas Clayton and Jane Read, who had married 5 April 1775 in Newbury.


Elizabeth married William Stillman on 25 November 1816 at St Nicolas in Newbury. William was born circa 1774 in Newbury and was a widower as he had previously married Sarah Challis on 19 May 1805 at St Mary in Hamstead Marshall. Sarah died October 1815 aged 37 and was buried 18 October 1815 at St Nicolas in Newbury.


In the 1841 census William and Elizabeth were living with in Bartholomew Street in Newbury with daughters Martha and Sarah.


William died May 1849 and was buried 9 May 1849 at St Nicolas in Newbury.


Two years later in the 1851 census Elizabeth was recorded visiting her step daughter Sarah Pendle and her husband in Draycott Terrace in Chelsea in London.


Elizabeth was recorded living with her unmarried step daughter Martha in Wash Road in Newbury in the 1861 census. Ten years later in 1871 Elizabeth and Martha were still living in Wash Road. Elizabeth and Martha were still living in Wash Road in 1881 along with another of Elizabeth’s step daughters Sarah Pendle. Elizabeth was recorded as an annuitant and both Martha and Sarah had their employment recorded as “no occupation”.


Elizabeth’s 100th birthday was reported in an article in The Newbury Weekly News dated 15 April 1886. It was reported she was quite well and healthy and had never been out of Newbury in her life. Her husband William had died in 1849 and had left a certain sum of money, with which the children purchased an annuity for their mother. The old lady having attained such great age she had undoubtedly got the best of the bargain, it being calculated that she must have received quite three times the outlay.


It was reported in a short article in The Newbury Weekly News edition of 12 January 1888 the death of Martha on Sunday (8 January) and Sarah on Tuesday (10 January) and that Elizabeth was still alive and would celebrate her 102nd birthday in April. Martha and Sarah were both buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 14 January 1888.


The Newbury Weekly News edition of 2 February 1888 reported in a short article the death of Elizabeth Stillman, just a few weeks after the death of her two step daughters, which must have been a shock to her. She had been in possession of al her mental faculties but was in a delicate state of health. Her father Thomas had died aged 104 in King John’s Almshouses in 1846. She left three surviving grandsons and one granddaughter. Elizabeth was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 4 February 1888.










Author: Gerald Soper
© Gerald Soper

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