Personal Details of Benjamin Gibbons Butler


Buried:  01/07/1887

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Benjamin Gibbons Butler.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Benjamin Gibbons Butler, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Benjamin Gibbons Butler.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Benjamin Gibbons Butler.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register

There is no burial register information available for Benjamin Gibbons Butler.
Only three of the five burial register books still exist as far as we know and these are held at the Berkshire Record Office.
Stillborn children were not recorded in the burial register, only in the cemetery accounts.

Memorial Details
  North facing slope of copestone: In Loving Remembrance of/ Emma/ the beloved wife of Benjamin Gibbons Butler / who fell asleep in Jesus/ at Sandleford March 23rd. 1876 aged 52 years. " Henceforth....(unreadable"/ In Loving Remembrance of Benjamin Gibbons Butler/ who died at Henwick June 25th. 1887 aged 83 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Rev. XIV, 13."
Name on Memorial Benjamin Gibbons BUTLER
Date of death 25/06/1887
Age 83
Gender Male
Memorial Type Copestone on pedestal
Construction Material Sandstone with inlaid letters
Condition of memorial Poor, many letters missing
Pattison Location Code W93
Others named on memorial

Cemetery accounts

This information is taken from the accounts ledgers of the Newbury Cemetery Company that originally ran and maintained the cemetery.
The Ledgers are held at the Berkshire Records Office.

Name at death Benjamin Gibbons Butler
Date of burial 01/07/1887
Whence brought Thatcham
Where & how buried Unconsecrated Vault
By whom buried Reverend G E Allan
Account Entry Book 02 - Page 032
Transcription comments On FBMD

Accounts Entry for Benjamin Gibbons Butler
© Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Pictures and photographs

The pictures below are all linked with Benjamin Gibbons Butler.
Click an image to show an enlarged version of it.

Benjamin Gibbons Butler Oil Painting

Benjamin Gibbons Butler Photo

Benjamin Gibbons Butler and his wife Emma Butler Photo

The Barns at Sandleford Farm looking south with Farm in background

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Benjamin Gibbons Butler.

Benjamin Gibbons Butler (1824 – 1887) Emma Butler (1824 – 1876)

Benjamin Gibbons Butler (1824 – 1887)

                                    Emma Butler (1824 – 1876)


Benjamin Butler was baptized on 16 April 1824 as Benjamin at Batcombe in Somerset the son of Joseph and Elizabeth, nee Gibbons, Butler. In the 1841 census he was probably recorded at a school in Wraxhall in Somerset, he was not living with his parents and siblings.


Emma Compton was baptized on 21 March 1824 at Kingston Deverill in Wiltshire, the daughter of James, a farmer, and Ann, nee Humphrys, Compton. In the 1841 census Emma was recorded with her parents and 7 siblings living at Kingston Deverill with her father James a yeoman.


Benjamin Gibbons (he had now added his second Christian name) and Emma married on 12 April 1847 at Kingston Deverill.


In the 1851 census Benjamin and Emma along with son James Charles aged 3 were living at Hanham Green in Gloucestershire with Benjamin recorded as a farmer of 160 acres employing 5 men.


Ten years later in the 1861 census Benjamin and Emma along with son Albert Henry aged 5 and daughter Laura Annie aged 1 were living at Bickington in Devon with Benjamin recorded as a farmer of 160 acres employing 5 men and 1 boy. Benjamin and Emma with sons James Charles aged 23, Albert Henry aged 15 and Tom aged 6 were still living at Bickington in the 1871 census. Benjamin was now a farmer of 421 acres employing 6 men and 5 boys.


Laura Annie, daughter of Benjamin and Emma, sadly died on 1 May 1873 at the school of the Misses Harding of Sunny Lawn in Frome. She had returned to the school on 23 April, after Easter, suffering from a cold and slight bilious attack. However, by 30 April she was feeling better and attended her lessons. On the morning of 1 May she had a slight pain in the stomach and stayed in bed, having a hearty breakfast at eight o’clock. Just before ten o’clock she appeared well when Miss Harding checked up on her but then soon after ten o’clock she was sitting up in bed but in a dying state. She died before a doctor could reach her. A post mortem and inquest were held and the verdict reached was she died from an abscess in the stomach. Laura was buried on 5 May 1873 at Vallis Road Cemetery on Frome.


Soon after the death of Laura the family moved to Sandleford Farm, just outside Newbury. Emma died on 23 March 1876 at Sandleford and was buried on 29 March at Newtown Road Cemetery. An announcement appeared in the Berkshire Chronicle dated 1 April 1876 as below.


March 23, at Sandleford Farm, Newbury, Emma, the wife of Benjamin Butler, aged 52.


Benjamin remarried on 6 April 1878 at the Wesleyan Chapel in Newcastle on Tyne to Anna Worden Gilhespy. Anna was born in 1847 in West Matfen in Northumberland.


In the 1881 census Benjamin and Emma along with his son Albert Henry and daughter in law Annie and a servant were recorded living at Sandleford Farm with Benjamin a farmer of 341 acres employing 7 men and 3 boys.


Benjamin died 25 June 1887 aged 63 by which time he was a farmer at Henwick Farm in Thatcham, He was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 1 July 1887. He left a will and probate was granted on 18 October 1887 at Oxford to Thomas Fidler of Newbury, one of the executors. The value of the estate was £2,986 11s 4d.


An announcement appeared in the Berkshire Chronicle dated 2 July 1887 as below.


June 28, at Henwick, Newbury, Benjamin Gibbons Butler, aged 63.


After Benjamin’s death Anna moved around and was recorded in the censuses with various sisters, aunts & nieces who were born in Devon or Northumberland. In 1891 she was living in Grosvenor Road in Aldershot, in 1901 at 43 High Street in Littlehampton, in 1911 at 20 Blenheim Gardens in Wallington, Surrey and then in 1921 in Gold Hill, Chalfont St Peter.


Anna died 4 July 1928 while living at 2 Newport Road in Newbury. There is no record of her being buried in Newbury. She left a will and probate was granted on 10 September 1928 at London to Ethel Gilhespy, spinster. Ethel was probably her niece who was recorded living with her in the 1921 census at Chalfont St Peter. The value of the estate was £116 9s 1d.



Author: Soper

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Web site designed by Paul Thompson

The Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery is a not-for-profit organisation that works in association with Newbury Town Council to look after and maintain Newtown Road Cemetery for the benefit of the people of Newbury.

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