Personal information about Lucy Eliza Taylor

Below is all the information we have about Lucy Eliza Taylor. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Lucy Eliza Taylor
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   24 July 1933
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   5 Livingstone Road, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 172
Record number: 10971
Official at burial:
   J. Brady Cameron
   Mrs P page 120 LN(J)8
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  Lucy Eliza Taylor
  20 July 1933
  Broken Flat headstone
  Headstone: ILMO / ALFRED BRINDLEY / who departed this life / Feb. 3rd 1895 / aged 40 years. / "I heard the voice of Jesus say 'Come unto Me and rest.'" /Also of FRANCIS WILLIAM TAYLOR / who died June 15th 1913 aged 38 years. / Peace perfect peace. / Also ILMO / our dear mother / LUCY ELIZA TAYLOR / who died July 20th 1933 / aged 72 years. / At Rest.
  Mostly readable
  LN(J) 8
  30 April 2024
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Alfred Brindley
Francis William Taylor



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Lucy Eliza Taylor
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    27 July 1933
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




Funeral of Mrs L E Taylor


The death occurred on Thursday,July 20th, of Mrs Lucy Ellis Taylor, of 5 Livingstone road, Newbury, after a long and painful illness. The funeral took place on Monday, the first part of the service being held in St John’s Church, conducted by Father W B Cameron.  The interment was at the Newtown road Cemetery.

The mourners were: Mr C Brindley, Mrs F Hill, Mr S Brindley, Mrs F Higgins, Mr F Brindley, Miss N Taylor, Mr R Taylor (sons and daughters); Mrs T Dodd, Mrs C Brooks (sisters); Mr G Smith, Mr J Smith (brothers); Mrs C Brindley, Mrs S Brindley, Mrs F Taylor (daughters in-law); Mr F Hill; Nr F Higgins sos-in-law); Miss E Brindley, Miss D Hill (granddaughters); Mrs H Smith (sister-in-law); Ethel ad Florrie (nieces); Mr F Pomroy, Mr A Ilsley, Miss D Crame.

There were many beautiful wreaths.  A Cross the length of the coffin was sent from Mrs Taylor’s children.  Others were from Sister Nell; Sister Jane; George, Jack and Sue; Laura (Andover); Fred, Joan and Cecil; Frank, Doris and Billie; Three granddaughters (Burghclere); Mr and Mrs Smithers (Burghclere); Mr Hart (Burghclere); Ron, Jack, Harold and Douglas; Bill; Jimmy; Mrs Pomroy and Frank; Arthur and Mrs Ilsley (Reading; Grace (Reading); Annie and Fred and all at Fawley; Sis, Kath, Jack, Rich and Arthur; Sis; Phyllis (Bucklebury); Mr and Mrs Adams; Daisy; Ethel and Florrie; Mr and Mrs Hieatt; Joan and John Hieatt; Brenda Hieatt; Mr and Mrs G Stephens;  Rosa, Ella and Rene Hill; Alex and Nellie and Mr Mayhew; Mr and Mrs Long; Mr and Mrs Williams (Aldern Bridge); ; staff 88 Northbrook street; Mr and Mrs Crame and family (Hungerford); Mr and Mrs Mason (Stockcross); Mrs Dubock; Miss L M Else; Auntie Bessie and Ronnie.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr A Turner.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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