Personal information about Sarah Elliott

Below is all the information we have about Sarah Elliott. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Sarah Elliott  (Enbourn)
21 April 1863
Consecrated - Private Grave
Rev'd. Sewell



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Sarah Elliott
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    18 April 1863
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury




SAD OCCURRENCE – An inquest was held yesterday (Friday) afternoon, before J. Alexander, Esq, at Enborne Gate Farm, on the body of Sarah Elliott, wife of Mr. Francis Elliott, for whom Mr. Cave attended to watch the inquiry. Superintendent Harfield stated that Elliott came to the station on Thursday night, accompanied by his brother’s nephew, and P.C. Herring, saying something had happened. He asked him what it was, and Elliott said he and his wife had some words, and as she passed by him he pushed her. Witness asked him, what then happened? He said, “I have killed my wife; in the push - in the fall – her head struck against the skirting round the cellar partition. I picked her up, when, having gasped, she died.” Witness then told Elliott it would be his duty to take him into custody. – Mr. F.E. Ryott said that at half-past seven o’clock on Thursday evening Elliott came to his house and told him what had happened. He said he gave his wife a push and she fell. He seemed very excited. He brought his horse and cart and they were very soon at his home, but the woman was quite dead. By direction of the coroner, witness made a post mortem examination of the body, and was of opinion the fall produced congestion of blood in the head, and was the cause of death. The skull was fractured, but he had no reason to believe that it had been done by violence. – Elizabeth Collins, a married woman, said that she lived next door to the deceased, and had done so for four years. About a quarter past four o’clock on Thursday afternoon the deceased came into her home complaining of severe head ache, and asked witness if Mr. Elliott was come home from market. The deceased was tipsy then and frequently got so. She has often heard Mr. Elliott chastise her for getting drunk, but never when sober. Her husband was a quiet and industrious man. – The coroner asked Elliott if he had anything to say; if so, the present was the time for his doing so. – The prisoner said he had told Superintendent Harfield nearly all he had to say. He had no intention to strike his wife, and it was unintentionally done. As soon as it had occurred, he sent his carter for police-constable Herring and went and told Supt. Harfield of it, it was only a push that caused the fall. – The Coroner said he thought that the case could fairly be taken out of the category of manslaughter, as there was nothing to show that the act was criminal. The jury almost immediately returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.” Mr. Elliott was then discharged. He is a highly respectable man, and appeared deeply affected at times during the investigation.


This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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