Personal information about Arthur Chivers

Below is all the information we have about Arthur Chivers. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Arthur Chivers
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   19 November 1930
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Cheap Street, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 149
Record number: 10790
Official at burial:
   Charles.V. Pike
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  Arthur CHIVERS
  16 November 1930
  4 Kerbstones in a square layout. In the middle of the square is a rock with an integral vase.
  Polished Composite
  South facing Kerbstone:In Loving Memory Of Arthur Chivers who died Nov. 16th. 1930 aged 44 years. North facing Kerbstone: Also of Bessie Chivers died March 5th. 1957. East facing Kerbstone: A life well spent.
  Good condition. Medium to heavy vegetation. Inlaid text.
  LS(C) 15
    Death Index records Bessie Chivers (nee Dyer) died aged 79. She was born 1Q 1877.
  28 August 2015
  D Duff
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Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Arthur Chivers
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Date of source:    20 November 1930
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News








Great Loss to the Town


It came as a great shock to the town on Sunday morning when it became known that Councillor Arthur Chivers had passed away during the night as a result of a heart seizure. It was not as if he had run his course and died full of years. Here was a man who was cut short in the full vigour of his activity; who was during his short career as a Town Councillor had already made good, and promised to be one of the most useful men in the public life of the town and district. For Councillor Chivers was a comparatively young man; he was only 43 years of age. The confidence in which he was held in the town was shown by the large number of votes he polled in the recent municipal election, notwithstanding that during the whole period of the contest he was incapacitated and unable to maker a personal appeal for votes and support on his behalf.


It was in the middle of October that he was advised that it was necessary for him to undergo an operation, and on October 21st he entered a nursing home with this in view. The operation was quite successful and everything had healed up in perfect order. A fortnight later he had a serious heart attack and his life was only saved on that occasion by the use of oxygen. Sir Thomas Cotton, an eminent heart specialist, was called in, and his report was so far reassuring, as he said that there was no reason why there should be a recurrence of this trouble. And that with a month’s rest the patient should be able to resume his normal duties. Unfortunately pneumonia supervened, but he was getting the better of this, though naturally it put a further strain on his heart. On Friday and Saturday he was so much improved that it was hoped his friends would be able to resume their visits to him immediately. When his wife left him at nine o’clock on Saturday evening he seemed quite cheerful. But just after two o’clock on Sunday morning he had another severe heart attack, which proved fatal.


Mr. Arthur Chivers was the proprietor of the builder’s business of A.J. Chivers, which was started by his father, who died 33 years ago, when his son was only 11 years of age. Mr. Chivers, sent., was more responsible than anyone for the development of West Fields, most of the houses in that district having been built by him. Upon his death Councillor Chivers’ mother, who was a woman of strong character and great capability, carried on the business, and in fact greatly developed it.


Arthur was educated at Bourne College, Birmingham, and upon leaving school was articled to Mr. S.J.L. Vincent, the Borough Surveyor of the town. During the war 1

he served with the Naval Air Service and his surveying and architectural knowledge was made full use of whilst he was at Dunkirk. It was directly after the end of the War, when his mother died in November 1920, that he assumed full control of the business.


He continued the business on the same lines and was known for the excellence of his work, his reliability and integrity. This was shown by the fact that most of the houses he built for sale since the war were bought as soon as the foundations were in. Since he had charge of the business he has carried through the development of the Buckingham-road estate. He largely added to the amenities of Greenham-road and Enborne-road. Many of the best type of the houses in the town were built by him,such as those on the Newbury Hills Estate. Other big jobs have included the spacious garage constructed at the rear of Herborough House for Messrs. Nias Ltd., and Messrs. Day, Shergold and Herbert’s huge indoor market. He would not undertake tendering for large buildings, as he regarded this as very much in the form of a gamble.


He was one of the best employers of labour in the town. He had a good staff of men and he deserved to, for while he had no time fr slackers, those who did their work would find no more considerate master. If a job was finished he would not turn men adrift, but would try and make other work for them to do. Those who were ill would be looked after, and when old servants retired they were not forgotten. There have been several cases of men who have been continuously in the employ of the father, the mother and the late Councillor Chivers for over 40 years. All the staff not only respected, but would do anything for him. There is no better testimony of a man's worth than this. They know they have lost a good master and will be more than glad to hear Mrs. Chivers is to carry on the business. She will be quite capable of this, for during the war she was Mrs. Chivers’, senior “right hand man.”


Very few men have come to the front so rapidly in public work. It was in 1921 that he first entered the Town Council as a member for the West Ward, his colleague in the representation of the ward being Councillor J.H. Thompson. Though a man of few words and of an essentially reserved disposition, his colleagues were not long in recognising his ability, by his appointment to the following committees: Finance, Rating and Valuation Committee, and at the time of his death he was Chairman of the Main Drainage and also of the Estates Committee. He was also largely instrumental in carrying through the improvement at the pumping station of the sewage disposal works, including the conversion of the entire plant there to be electrically driven. He was also responsible for the scheme for bringing up to date sewage disposal in the town, which is to be carried out at an estimated cost of £32,000. The work on the scheme is to be started to-day (Thursday). Then as Chairman of the Estates Committee his services were particularly valuable in matters connected with the Corn Exchange, the Cattle Market and also in regard to the consideration of building plans. He never hesitated to place his technical knowledge and training at the service of the town. He was a man of sound judgment who spoke rarely, but when he did he was always listened to with the greatest attention and respect by his fellow members. Loyal to his colleagues, he was essentially a fair man, but when he had made up his mind, he was exceptionally tenacious, whilst if he thought the occasion merited it he would not hesitate to speak out with force and conviction, no matter whom he offended. He never sought cheap popularity. Nor was he a sitter on the fence. He always came down on one side or the other. His death will be a great loss to the public life of the town. It was a thousand pities he was not spare to go through the Mayoralty.


Mr. Chivers was a Director of the Newbury Permanent Benefit Building Society. He had very few hobbies, beyond being a great reader and lover of his garden. He married the only daughter of the late Mr. John Dyer, a well-known Newbury trader, for whom the deepest sympathy is felt in her irreparable loss.





The funeral took place yesterday (Wednesday) a service being conducted at the house by the Rev. C.V. Pike, former Baptist minister in Newbury, who also officiated at the graveside in the Newtown-road Cemetery. There was a large attendance at the Cemetery. The Mayor (Councillor F.A. Greet) was unable to be there, as he had fixed up an engagement a month before at Birmingham, which he could not cancel, but the Deputy Mayor and other members of the Corporation, wearing their robes, were present. They walked in procession preceded by the Mace-bearers carrying maces which were draped with crepe. Behind came the Borough officials. Many of the Master Builders in the town and district were present, as also were the deceased’s fellow directors of the Building Society, and the employees of the firm, six of whom acted as bearers.


The mourners were Mrs. Chivers (wife), Mrs. Stanwell )sister), Rev. J. Stanwell (brother-in-law), Mr. J. Dyer (brother-in-law), Miss N. Collins (cousin), Miss Stillman, Mr. J. H. Thompson, Mr.L. E. Shergold, Mr. A.P. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Bentley, Miss Read.


The members of the Corporation present were: Councillor H.R. Metcalf (Deputy Mayor), Alderman J. Rankin, F.C. Hopson, Adrian Hawker,


etc etc.


Newbury Weekly News 20 November 1930


Mrs P. p.140 LS(c)15

Died 16 November 1930 aged 44

Also Bessie Chivers died 5 March 1957

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

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