Personal information about Esther Knight

Below is all the information we have about Esther Knight. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Ester Knight
Burial register image
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Age at death:
Date of burial:
   30 March 1910
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Workhouse Infirmary, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1899
Page number: 188
Record number: 8704
Official at burial:
   The Rev'd. A H S Newgold, Priest
Source of information:
  Burial Register
* This entry is awaiting verification.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Death of Septimus Fryers
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    21 December 1867
Copyright:    © 



Death of Illegitimate Child.

—On Tuesday evening an inquiry was opened before Joseph Bunny, Esq., coroner, touching the death of Septimus Fryers, an illegitimate child. Mr. E. Knight was chosen foreman of the jury. The coroner addressed the jury, and said there appeared to be some peculiarity about the case, to which he wished to call attention. There was very little known about the deceased child, excepting that he was illegitimate, and yet he was not able to bring the mother before them. Supt. Deane had telegraphed to Cirencester, where the mother was, and she had not answered the message. It was, however, of some importance that the jury should know something about the child before they delivered their verdict; he therefore proposed to examine Esther Hamblin, who bad had charge of the child, and then suggest the propriety of adjourning the enquiry. The coroner and jury proceeded to view the body of the deceased child, which lay in Mrs. Hamblin's house tbe back of the Corn Exchange. On their return, the coroner said it was very desirable that proper inquiry should be made into all the circumstances. He gathered from what was said Mrs. Hamblin's, that the child was given to them by woman named Box, living at Speen, but as to how she came into possession of it they had no knowledge. There seemed to be system of taking illegitimate children into nurse, and receiving no account with them as to their parentage. The coroner mentioned that it would be desirable to hold a post mortem examination. Esther Hamblin was then called, and she entered tbe witness-box shedding tears. She deposed— I am a single woman, daughter of William Hamblin, a blacksmith. I live with my father and mother. I was out nursing when the deceased was brought to our house, but I was told his name was Septimus Fryers. I have not seen the mother all. The body shown to the jury is that of Septimus Fryers. I do not know who is tbe mother of the child. I have only been taking care of tbe child myself during the last fortnight. The child has been very cheerful and well, and has taken his food very nicely during the fortnight I have had charge of him. The child has slept with me during the last three eights. Previous to that he slept with my mother. I have always fed the child during the last fortnight. The child has not been ill during that time, nor taken any medicine. I was in the habit of fading the clrild upon arrowroot and oatmeal. He did not have quite a quarter of a pint of milk at a time. I fed him three times a day, also at bed time, and twice during the night. I have got one nurse child in tbe house now a girl. I know the mother of that child. The writing on the paper produced is that of the child's mother so far as I know. She wrote to us saying we were not to write to her again unless the child was ill. I have written to the address on the paper produced,namely, "Miss Fryers, Park-street, Cirencester." Mother told me that a woman named Box, who had had tbe child before, brought him to our house. ,I not know whether the child was brought to us with the approbation of the mother. My mother told me that the mother of deceased came to our house and said Mrs. Box would bring the child.

the coroner.—The child died in lap at half-past four yesterday afternoon. asked my sister to call a neighbour, who came in and saw the child die. I also told my sister to get a doctor. The child was taken ill, and in 20 minutes he died, after fetching three sighs. By the jury. —I did not notice any change in the child yesterday morning. He was as well usual until the time he was taken. young woman, sister to the previous witness, was then called, and questioned with reference to the the part which the mother of the child took in its transfer from Mrs. Box to Mrs. Hamblin. The witness stated that Mrs. Clayton, who lived in Northbrook-street, came to witness's mother about receiving the child. Her mother afterwards had an interview with the child's mother at Mr. Clayton's. The child's mother did not look like a servant, but more'like a dressmaker. She was very well dressed, tall and thin, with dark hair and eyes, and she had rather a ladylike appearance. At this stage the inquiry was adjourned until Friday evening.

The Adjourned Inquest. The inquiry was resumed last (Friday) evening, when Esther Hamblin was further examined, and stated that she had had four illegitimate children to nurse during the last twelve months, and three of them (including deceased) had died. The other two were seen by medical men, and buried the Cemetery.

Coroner did not think it was a proper state of things that rates should be paid for medical gentlemen to see illegitimate children whose mothers lived at distance. A widow named Ann Bailey said that the children were always kindly treated. Mrs. Sarah Box, living at Speen, said that Miss Sarah Fryers came to lodge her house in February, and gave birth to the child now deceased on the 3oth March last. Dr. Ligertwood proved he attended Miss Fryers in her confinement. On Thursday he made post mortem examination of deceased, and found the heart and lungs healthy. The intestines, with the exception of the great intestine, only contained air ; bladder quite full ; o mark of disease; stomach empty; liver greatly enlarged ; vessels of head slightly congested. His opinion was that the child died from convulsions caused teething.

The Coroner addressed the jury, remarking that the system of receiving illegitimate children in this way was a very vicious one.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony, and said they were of opinion that the child had been improperly fed.—The inquiry lasted nearly three hours

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Baby Farming at Newbury
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    21 December 1867
Copyright:    © 




On Tuesday evening last inquest was held at the Magistrates' Room, before J. Bunny, Esq., M.D., and a jury of which Mr. E. Knight was foreman, touching the death of child named Septimus Fryer, who had died on the previous afternoon, while with the nurse, in whose charge it was, named Esther Hamblyn. The Coroner, addressing the jury, said there was some peculiar circumstance in the case to which he should call their attention. There was very little known about the child except that it was illegitimate, and as yet they were not able to bring the mother before them. Superintendent Deane had telegraphed for her but she had not replied. He thought it was of some importance that they should know something about the child before delivering their verdict, although the case might turn out to be perfectly correct one. He proposed to call before them the woman with whom the child had been living (Esther Hamblyn), and then he should suggest the propriety of adjourning the inquest to another day, in order for the mother to appear. The jury concurred in the remarks, and the following evidence was taken. Esther Hamblyn, who was in tears whilst giving her evidence, said : I am a single woman, daughter of William and Susannah Hamblyn residing at the back of the Corn Exchange. I knew the "deceased, Septimus Fryer. The body just viewed is his. I not know the mother of the child this last fortnight have been nursing it. It has been very cheerful, and taken its food very nicely during that time, and very well in health. The deceas'ed slept with me for the past few nights previous to that it was with my mother. fed the child always during the past fortnight. The child has never been ill during that time ; it has never had a convulsion. The child has never had any medicine. I was in the habit of feeding it upon arrowroot and oatmeal; two teaspoonsful at a time of arrowroot, and a dessertspoonful of oatmeal at a time; I mixed it with new milk and then boiled it. I did not use quarter of pint of milk in the mixing a time, but about a'teacupful of water generally ; I only fed the child three times a day. but did it also twice each night, and at bed time. The child was usually very fretful at night. This is the food I am in the habit of giving children I have to nurse, I have one other child now, a little girl. I know the moth of that child. I do not know have I seen the mother of Septimus Fryer, the deceased. The paper produced is in the handwriting of the child's mother, as far I know, she told not to write to her unless there was anything the matter with the child, I wrote a letter to the mother telling her of the child's death, which she wo not receive until to-morrow morning. A woman name Box brought it to our place. I do not know whether it was with the approbation of the mother. The mother came and told my mother that Mrs. Box would "bring it in a few minutes" when it was given to us. The deceased died late yesterday afternoon at half-past four. neighbour was also present with me. The illness was only of about twenty minutes duration before the end of which time the child had expired. The child(s mother told my sister that the address (produced) was correct. By the foreman: The child was fed very recently to its death. . .

The enquiry here was adjourned until Friday evening, lor the production of the mother and Mrs. Box : in the interval post mortem examination will be made of the body.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Baby farming at Newbury Cont.
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    28 December 1867
Copyright:    © 




The adjourned inquest.

The inquiry into the death of the child Septimus Fryers ' was resumed at the Mansion House, on Friday evening, the 20th instant, before Joseph Bunny, Esq., M.D., borough i coroner, and the following additional evidence was taken, Esther Hamblin, re-examined, said : I have had four children to nurse during the last twelve months, namely, Harriett Knight, little Annie Newman, Ann Summers, and the deceased, Septimus Fryers. There is two of them dead besides the deceased ; they are Harriett Knight and Annie Newman. They were ain decline when I took them. All ! three of the children died in my mother's house ; they did not die altogether, and I cannot tell the time exactly that intervened. The mothers came and had them, and buried them at the Cemetery. Harriett Knight was seen by Mr. Bursey, being the parish medical officer for that time. She came from London, and her mother sent the payments for her in letters. We had 4s. a week with her. Mr. Bursey gave a certificate to the cause of death, but I do not know what it was. The child Annie Newman came out of the Newbury Union, and was seen previous to her death by Dr. Ligertwood. She was buried at the Cemetery. A certificate was given as to the cause of her death. I know it. We used to take tbe children -to the medical men to be treated for their sickness. The Coroner : It seems to me a very pretty state of things that the ratepayers of Newbury should be called upon to provide medical men for the illegitimate children whom you may choose to take in. Ido not think it is right at all. Examination continued : The child Ann Summers is now with me; she has been with me three months,and is now about two years old. Her mother brought her to my house, and is now "at the " Pigeon's Farm " in service. She is single woman. We have 3s. a week with her. The child has a little meat, just as we have ourselves. Ann Baiiey said, I am a widow woman residing Hatchet Yard, next door to Mrs. Hamblin : I have lived there about eighteen months. seen the deceased, Septimus Fryers, every day for about a month ; I saw him last on Monday afternoon at four o'clock, as I was passing the door, in Esther Hamblin's arms. I tapped his cheek and said, " Well, little fellow, you seem jolly enough." I had not been in more than ten minutes before Esther Hamblin screamed out to me to come in, as she thought the child was dying. I went in directly ; the child had its thumbs clenched, fell back, gave three sighs, and expired. It was usually a very quiet child.

Foreman : Are those people kind to the children under their care?— Yes, I should not mind them having the whole of mine. Susannah Hamblin was then called for, but she was not in attendance, and a medical certificate was put in in confirmation of the statement, that she could not attend through illness, signed by Dr. Ligertwood. Mrs. Sarah Box said: I am a married woman living at Speen. I knew the deceased Septimus Fryers, from his birth. He was born in my house ; his mother came there with my permission. I took her in to be confined; her name is Fryers, and she is a milliner and dressmaker. She is unmarried. She resided at my house month prior to her confinement; she was attended a medical man, Dr. Ligertwood. She remained at my house until the 15th of May. Her home is at Cirencester, but at that time she was stopping at Newbury, at her aunts, a Mrs. Moss. I knew she was unmarried when she came to me. I kept the baby after the mother's leaving me on the 15th of May, until the 18th of November. A woman, by the name of Hamblin came to my house and fetched the child with the mother's authority." That was the first time I saw Mrs. Hamblin. I had no connection with any member of her family before that. I parted with the child because I could not get my money. lam in the habit of taking children in to nurse. I have three at the present time ; two of them are illegitimate and the other is the child of a married woman living in Newbury.

The Coroner : What is her name. Witness : I do not wish to tell you. The Coroner : But I am determined that you shall tell me, and if you not I will commit you to prison. The witness still remained mute for several seconds, when The Coroner said : Do I understand that you refuse to tell me the mother's name ? Witness : The mother's name is Richards, and she lives in the "Jack of Newbury" yard. Dr. Ligertwood was then sworn. He deposed that order of the coroner he had made a post-mortem examination of the deceased, and the result was that he believed the cause of death arose from convulsions caused by teething. He considered the sytem of feeding which the deceased had been under improper. The Foreman of the Jury said he wished to know of the doctor whether his last observation would apply the deceased particularly or a strong healthy child ? Dr. Ligertwood: At any time I think the food much too heavy.

The mother was then brought forward. She deposed: My name is Sarah Ann Fryers. I reside at Cirencester and am single woman. The deceased Septimus Fryers is my child. I think it was born in May last at Mrs. Box's at Speen. I went there by aunt's recommendation. I remained there about three months —that time included two months previous to the birth of the deceased. I never nursed my babe. When I left Mrs, Box's I left the babe with her. I have not affiliated the child upon any one. I think the child remained with Mrs. Box about five months after I left. The child was removed from Mrs. Box's by my instructions. The reason why had the child taken away was because Mrs. Box wrote for me to take it away as she had other children there and was not well. I then let Mrs. Hamblin have the child, and she fetched it from Speen. It was on Monday, and I left the next day, I saw the child then, but have not seen it since. It was about a month ago. Between the period of my consigning the child to Mrs. Hamblin's care and its death I heard nothing of it. I told Mrs. Hamblin what Mrs. Box used to feed the child with. The witness, who was genteel both in her manner and her attire, remained seated during the time that she was giving her evidence. The Coroner, addressing the jury, said he had thought it right to go into the matter thoroughly concerning the death of the deceased child, from the peculiar circumstances of the case. There appeared to be two persons connected with the child, Mrs. Box and Mrs. Hamblin, both those parties had been in the habit of taking in children to nurse, and they would gather from the evidence before them that it was an improper plan. Mrs. Box at the present time had three children, and Mrs. Hamblin had received four during the past twelve months. Two besides the deceased were now dead. He considered this a large mortality, and thought they would agree with him that the case deserved thorough inquiry. He expressed himself satisfied with the examination of Dr. Ligertwood, and agreed with his decision, having also viewed the body himself ; at the same time he thought it ought to have received more attention from the mother. The system of "nursing." as they had had evidence of, was extremely vicious one,and he left the case with them to offer any presentment they pleased upon it.

The Jury returned as their verdict " That the chiid died from convulsions," accompanied with the following presentment :—"That they were of opinion that the child had been improperly fed." The Coroner said that the case had incurred some expense to the borough, but inasmuch as the case demanded strict inquiry he did not regret it. The sum of £1 5s. 4d. was allowed the mother for expenses for attending the inquest, and on the coroner asking her what was to be done with the child, and that he should order its burial by the parish, she offered to see to its burial. On being further interrogated, she said she did not think "the party" would assist her with means for doing so, which called forth the just indignation of both the coroner and heroine.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Baby Farming Trial
Article source:    Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle
Date of source:    28 December 1867
Copyright:    © 



BABY FARMING.-On Friday evening a lengthened inquiry took place at the Mansion-house, Newbury, before Mr. Joseph Bunny, coroner for that town, and the facts elicited showed that the system of baby farming, now exciting much public attention, is adopted not only in the metropolis and other large centres of population, but also in the rural districts of this country. The inquest was on the body of an illegitimate male child, aged seven months, who died suddenly a few days ago, at the house of Mrs. Hamblin, living in Newbury, where illegitimate children have been received for some years past. Owing to the nature of the case the coroner de- termined upon instituting a searching inquiry, and accordingly every person who could give information as to the treatment the child had received was summoned to give evidence. Sarah Ann Fryers, a fashionably attired young woman, who formerly lived in Newbury, but now resides with her friends in Gloucestershire, admitted that she gave birth to the child, and on recovering from her confinement left in the charge of a Mrs. Box, at Speen, near Newbury. This woman, who has now three nurse- children under her care, kept the child until November, when Miss Fryers gave authority for the removal of the child to the house of Mrs. Hamblin, where it died. It transpired that during the past year this woman had received four illegitimate children to nurse, and three of them had died; the parish doctor attended one of the infants, and all the children were buried in the Newbury cemetery. The coroner saiid it appeared to him to be a very improper state of things that the ratepayers of the borough should be called upon to bear the cost of medical attendance upon illegitimate children whose mothers lived in other parts of the coun. try. Miss Fryers took her departure from Newbury about a month ago, and since that time had not seen the child, or heard from Mrs. Hamblin respecting it. The coroner said one would suppose that a mother would be anxious about her offspring, whether illegitimate or le- gitimate. Dr. Ligertiwood made a post-mortem examninR- tion, and Mrs. Hamblin's daughter gave evidence that she fed the deceased five times during, the day and night, using arrowroot or oatmeal for its food. The jury returned a verdict that the death of the child was occasioned by convulsions through teething, and they also expressed their opinion that the food given to the child was improper.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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