ELLEN WINGROVE THE LATE MRS WINGROVE The interment of the late Mrs. Wingrove, whose death we recorded in our last issue, took place at the Cemetery on Saturday afternoon in the presence of her sorrowing relatives and friends.
The deceased lady belonged to an old Newbury family, her father being the late Mr. William Duck. She married the late Mr. William Wingrove and they went out to South Africa, where he was drowned. She also lost her two children there and returned to England in the sixties. Upon her return she took up her residence in London, but 16 years ago came back to her native town, spending the evening of her days at the residence of her nephew, Mr. Alfred Hollands.
She belonged to a family of 16, the only survivor of which is Mr. Frederick Duke, solicitor of Charlton, Kent, who was present at his sister's funeral. Mrs. Wingrove was of a sunny disposition and was much beloved by those who knew her. She was a woman of deep religious convictions, and was a member of the Baptist Church. Her death occurred on her birthday, she having reached the advanced age of
82. The mourners who followed her mortal remains to their last resting place were Mr. Frederick Duke, Mrs. Henry Hollands, Mrs. Duke, Mr. Hollands, Mrs. A. Hollands, Miss Duck, Mr. and Mrs. A. Attewell, Miss Hollands, Master Alfred Hollands, Mrs. Willis, Miss Bessie Willis. Amongst those also noticed present were Misses Dalton, Dr Felce, Mr T S Waite, Mr Hugh Turner etc. The reverend G J knight conducted the service whilst the Funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs Alfred Jackson and company being personally superintended by Mr R P Elliot
The plate on the coffin bore the inscription:
Died December 29th, 1908
Aged 82 years.
Wreaths were also sent as follows:
Loved ones at Battlefield, from those that held her dear at Bankside, Fred, Gwen, Edgar, Clarence, Horace Duke, Rosa Messent, Elvie, and Clement Duke, Mr and Mrs Hollyman, Mrs Cummings and Miss Forbes, Arthur and Mary, Mr W H Smith and Violet (East Sheen) Mr and Mrs Albert Church and Mr and Mrs H J Booth, Mrs Willis, Bessie and nurse.
Newbury Weekly News 7 January 1909 Mrs P. p 163 p.30 Buried 2 January 1909 aged 82 Bk 1899 p 162 no.8489