Personal information about Harman Skinner Hanington

Below is all the information we have about Harman Skinner Hanington. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Harman Skinner  Hanington
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   13 September 1901
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Northbrook Street, , Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1899
Page number: 037
Record number: 7489
Official at burial:
   Charles L Jeayes
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  Harman Skinner HANINGTON
  09 September 1901
  Headstone and kerbs
  Limestone with inlaid letters
  From top of headstone: In Loving memory of/ Edward Hanington/ died Dec.24th. 1870 /aged 58 years./ Also Mary Hanington/ wife of the above/ died Feb 23rd.1895/ aged 90 years./ Also Frederick Edward Hanington/ second son of the above/ died March 4th. 1866/ aged 17 years./ Also Harman Skinner Hanington (Mayor of Newbury) son of the above/ died Sept 9th. 1901/ aged 54 years.
  17 May 2013
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Frederick Edward HANINGTON



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Harmon Skinner Hanington
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




The illness from which Mr. Harman Skinner Hanington has been suffering for some considerable time unhappily terminated in his decease on Monday morning, and Newbury loses one who for many years past has been prominently identified with the public and social life of the town. Mr. Hanington was a native Nuburian. His father, Mr. Edward Hanington, came to Newbury as a young man, and was associated with Mr. George S. Higgons, who was carrying on a drapery business in Northbrook Street. Marrying Miss Higgons he entered into partnership with her brother, who was Mayor of Newbury in the year 1842.

The business was of an extensive character, and quite a big establishment was maintained, those being days when local trades flourished and prospered. There were two sons by the marriage, Fred and Harman, the former died early in life and the latter went away from the town for his education and business training. His commercial career commenced at Windsor, from whence he went to Kensington and thence to Hastings. Mr. Hanington returned to Newbury in 1860, and his father dying in 1870, he succeeded to the business which has continued throughout under his management. Mr. Higgons, his uncle, died some years ago.

As a young man Mr. H. S. Hanington displayed great interest in public affairs, and was always ready to share in any undertaking which had for its object the benefiting of local associations. In those days entertainments were few and far between, and the public were largely dependent upon local initiative. Two bodies were formed for the purpose pf providing amusement for the people; the Newbury Amateur Dramatic Society and the Newbury Amateur Minstrels, with each of which Mr. Hanington was identified and came to be a leading spirit.

Both these organisations enjoyed a run of exceptional prosperity, and a substantial sum was by their means secured on behalf of several charitable institutions. Mr. Hanington possessed histrionic talents, of a high order, and in the Plays produced by the N.A.D.S. he always took a leading role with greater success than usually characterises amateur performers. In the Minstrel Troupe he manipulated the tambourine with much skill, and the entertainments used to attract crowded and delighted audiences.

Mr. Hanington was more than a performer; he was the organizer, and in this direction displayed uncommon ability. In 1877 his fellow-members of the Minstrels presented him with a silver cup with an inscription testifying to their regard and appreciation of his ‘untiring exertions in promoting the success of their numerous entertainments.’

Mr. Hanington was a past master in the art of organising public gatherings, and for many years was always the chief mover in any big demonstration or assembly. When he took up a cause he worked with energy and enthusiasm, and success invariably attended his efforts. Whether it was to arrange the details of a monster meeting to seat a big audience, to run a school treat, or plan a picnic, Mr. Hanington could always be depended upon to see that the arrangements worked smoothly and successfully. And in all he did there was no self-glorification or personal aggrandisement. He worked simply and solely for the good of the institution sought to be benefited, and consequently earned the gratitude of his fellow townsmen.

Mr. Hanington devoted much of his time to public work. He was appointed honorary secretary of the Newbury Horticultural Society in 1878, and continued to hold the post until his death. It was only his serious illness which prevented an actual participation in the last August Bank Holiday Show, the first occasion on which he had been absent. In 1891 his services were recognised by the presentation of a dining-room clock from colleagues on the committee. Thanks to his admirable secretarial management the Society has had a wonderfully beneficial influence upon the horticulture of the district, and has been the forerunner of the numerous shows which are now held in almost every village.

Adapting the show to the changing tastes of the public Mr. Hanington succeeded in establishing it as the popular holiday gathering in the district. In another direction he did good and useful work, serving the office of joint secretary of the Literary and Scientific Institution for over twenty years. Mr. Hanington’s particular province was to make the necessary arrangements for the fortnightly entertainments, his natural tact and abilities in this direction enabling him to contribute greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of the large Town Hall audiences. As a political organiser he had few equals and took a prominent part in Parliamentary and parochial contests, in which his characteristic good temper and keen sense of the humorous stood him in good stead. He was a powerful friend and a formidable opponent.

It was in January, 1891, that he was induced to take a share in civic responsibilities, when he was nominates as a candidate for the vacancy in the Corporation caused by the death of the late Mr. Councillor Stradling. After a stiff fight with a working man, Mr. Hanington was elected by a majority of 299. He took up the work with his accustomed zeal, and when, in the order of rotation he was called upon, in 1893-4, to serve the office of mayor, he received a unanimous election at the hands of his colleagues, and enjoyed their cordial support throughout his year of office.

Although his Mayoralty was not distinguished by any notable event to local history, Mr. Hanington’s genial and affable manner, his attention to the multifarious details of the office, his kindly consideration for the poor of town during a period of severe weather, made him a very popular chief magistrate. On his retirement from office he was entertained at a complimentary dinner by his fellow townsmen, who bore eloquent testimony to the able and successful manner in which the Mayoral duties had been performed.

In 1897 Mr. Hanington was created a Justice of the Peace. He was a prominent Freemason, having served the office of Worshipful Master of the local Lodge, and also discharged the duties of secretary.

When the Volunteer Fire Brigade was formed, Mr. Hanington was one of the first members to enrol in the ranks of that useful body, acting as hon. Secretary for several years, and occupying the post of second officer of the Brigade, from which position he retired a year or two ago.

Mr. Councillor Hanington was a man of many parts, and played them to perfection. Until his health began to fail he was of the most cheerful and jovial disposition, a man who could tell a good story, sing a capital song, brighten up a dull discussion with a flash of humour, and one who enjoyed the friendship of many, the enmity of none. Like the rest of us, he had failings, but it can be honestly said of him that he used his abilities for the benefit of his native town, and that his death at the age of 54, is sincerely regretted by all who knew him.

The funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) at the Cemetery, at 2.30 o’clock. The Mayor and Corporation will attend officially, and among other bodies represented will be the Freemasons, the Working Men’s Conservative Club, of which the deceased was hon. Secretary pro tem. And the Horticultural Society’ the members of which on Tuesday evening passed a resolution of sympathy with the relatives. Those taking part in the procession will meet in the Town Hall at 2 o’clock.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
The late Mr. Councillor Hanington
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



The late Mr. Councillor Hanington
The funeral of the late Mr. Councillor Hanington, J.P., took place on Friday afternoon, amid every manifestation of public respect and esteem. All the public bodies with which the deceased had been associated in the course of his useful public career sent deputations to pay a last mark of regard to a colleague with whom they had worked so amicably and sympathetically, while along the route of the funeral procession, closed windows, and drawn blinds, the halfmast flags at the Town Hall and the Conservative Club, were additional evidence of the desire to render a final tribute to a townman, who, in his day and generation, had done his best to serve his fellow men. The body was placed in a coffin of polished English oak, panelled and mounted with heavy brass fittings, bearing on the name plate:---

Harman Skinner Hanington,
Died 9th September, 1901,
Aged 54 Years.

Covered with beautiful wreaths, the coffin was placed in aWashingtoncar and left the deceased’s house16 Northbrook Streetattwo o’clock. The Corporation and other public bodies assembled at the Town Hall, and joined the procession as it passed upBartholomew Street. Mr David Rogers Jones acted asmarshalland arranged the order as follows:-- Police,Working Men’s Conservative Club, Freemasons, Horticultural Society, Townsmen, Mayor and Corporation, The Funeral Car, Carriages and Mourners.

On reaching the Cemetery, the procession opened out and lined the roadway, the coffin being conveyed through the ranks to the chapel where it was met by the Rev. C.L. Jeayes, vicar ofSt.Mary’s, Speenhamland, who officiated here and at the interment, which took place in the family vault near the west wall of the Cemetery, wherein rest the bodies of the deceased’s father, mother, and brother. On the conclusion of the service those present filed past the grave, and the Freemasons, according to ancient and established custom, dropped on the coffin the sprigs of acacia, emblematic of death, which they had been carrying. The members of the Horticultural Committee each wore a buttonhole of a white rose and maidenhair fern, which they also dropped into the grave – a simple but touching act of affection for their late secretary.

The mourners were:-- Miss Higgins, Miss Drake, and Mrs Greene (cousins), Mr. George Withers, Mr. George Stradling, and Mr. W. Scott Veitch (personal friends), Mr S. Reid and Mr. J. Viner (assistants).

Among the deputations from public bodies many were acting in more than one capacity, but it is not necessary to indicate more than the one body with which they particularly indentified themselves.

The Mayor (Mr. Councillor Rankin, J.P.) was preceded by the mace bearers (Messrs Mundy and Andrews) with their gowns and hats, and also the maces heavily draped with crepe. Amongst those accompanying the Mayor were the Deputy Mayor Mr, Councillor Edmonds, Alderman T. Fuller, R. Ravenor, B. Smith, and R. Long, Councillors S. Knight, A. Jackson, J. Elliott, H.J. Davies, W.E. Lewendon, J. Stralling, E. Gould, F.Wigington, F.C. Hopson, Mr. F.Q. Louch(Town Clerk), and Mr. H. Pratt(Corn Exchange Manager).

The Freemasons were represented by Br. John Rolfe (Worshipful Master), Bros Colonel Ricardo, W.H. Belcher, G.J. Cosburn, E.Turner, E.W. Goddard, S. Knight, jun, G.K. North, W. Beames, W.R.Davey, W.H. Saltmarsh, A. Camp, W.Balding, J. Howard, S. Burton, and J. Legg.

The Working Men’s Conservative Club deputation included Mr. Walter Money, F.S.A. as representative of the Hon. members, Mr Henry Wilder (chairman of the club), Mr. Lawrence Cleeves (hon. secretary), Messrs F. Robinson, G.T. Cox, J. Wilson, Frank Cosburn, W. Boyer, H. Smart, E. Cox, A.J. Cox, A.G. Cox, J. Dewe, J. Mills, W. Fabry, jun, H. Matthews.

The Literary and Scientific Institution was represented by Messrs J. Mason (hon. secretary), W. Edwards (treasurer) and W.J. Blacket (director). Mr. Walter Penford was away from home and unable to be present.

The Horticultural Society’s Committee, several of whose members were with the Corporation and Freemasons included Messrs J.N. Day (treasurer), J.W.H. Kemp (assistant secretary), R. Mees, Stanley Knight, C. Stradling, P. Cronk, H. Young, E. Church, C. Dalby.

The Volunteer Fire Brigade was represented by Mr. Albert Church (captain), Fireman R. J. Freebody, H.J. Booth, and Alan Lucas.

Amongst others present were Mr. F. J. Coldicutt, J.P., Rev C.B. Johnson, Messrs J. Adey, J. Parker, W. Penford, R. Wilson, C. Pink, T.P. Pile, Hannibal Hill, J. Hiscock, C. W. Barns, G.S. Dinnis, F.H. Stillman, W. Hawkes, J.F. Haldane, N. Burgess, R. Killick, G.S. Hall, A.J. Pullen, A. Bailey, J.E. Westcombe, H. Langton, J. Palmer, Dennis, F.H. Higgs (bandmaster), Coles, Inspector Weeks, Sergt Maunders, &c.

Among the many beautiful tributes of flowers were the following:--

“From the Mayor and Corporation of Newbury”; “In fraternal memory of Past Master Hanington from the W.M., officers and brethren of the loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope (Freemasons) No 574; “ From the President and Committee of the Newbury Horticultural Society, In memoriam, In memory of many happy years of loving and high principled duty. Requiescat in pace”; “From the Superintendent, Inspector, Sergeants, and officers of the Newbury Borough Police with sympathy”; “From the Newbury Working Men’s Conservative Club with deepest sympathy”; “Directors of the Literary and Scientific Institution, with deepest sympathy”; Mrs E. Wilson and Miss B. Young “ with kind remembrance”; Mr and Mrs T. Dreweat “ sincere sympathy”; From Uradia and Beasie “Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away”; Mr and Mrs. Charlie Stradling “in affectionate remembrance”; Mrs. Stilwell and daughters “with sincerest respect”; “In loving memory of an old friend”; Mr. and Mrs William Edmonds “in remembrance “; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooke and family “in affectionate remembrance”; Mr. and Mrs. H. Biddis “with deep sympathy and much regret”; “From an old friend, J.M.”; From Messrs and the Misses Hall “with sincere sympathy”; Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Veitch “with kind remembrance”; Mrs. Swain, Mr. S. Reed, and Mr. J. Viner “with deep sympathy”; Mrs. Hamlin and family “deep sympathy”; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Church, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth “with kind remembrance” Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Knight “ in remembrance of a kind friend”; Mrs. R. Mees “ in loving memory”; Miss Parker “with sincere regret from an old friend”; “Sincere sympathy and regret from Rosa”; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Coldicott and family” with much regret and sincere sympathy”; Mr. and Mrs. G. Boyer and family “with sincere sympathy”; “With Mr. and Mrs. William Balding’s sympathy”; Mr. and Mrs. John Parker “with deepest regret from old friends”; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Adey “in kindest remembrance”.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Charles Adey, of West Mills.


“By One who knew Him.”

In the death of Mr. Councillor H.S. Hanington, J.P. or, as he was intimately known amongst his friends as “Skinner”, one cannot but feel sad in the thought that the name of “Hanington” will be lost to the good old town of Newbury. “In the days when we were young” who does not remember the crowded Town Hall when Penny Readings were so popular, and if the entertainers were a little dull, when Mr. Hanington’s turn to recite came we all knew that he would “bring down the house” and be called upon for an “encore”.

In the large attendance of persons of all creeds and classes at the cemetery on Friday, will, I think, show what a popular man we have lost. He had his failings and who amongst us has not, he knew it – but with him, according to his means, he was one of Newbury’s most liberal citizens. Although he belonged to the Established Church and by his efforts in the Newbury Amateur Dramatic Society as well as the Amateur Christy Minstrels considerable sums of money were raised, the proceeds of which were given to the various funds in the town, yet in his generous and broad-minded views, there are many collectors and treasurers of the little chapels in the villages around Newbury, who could bear testimony to his kindness of heart, his donation to them being given without ostentation or show, and the extent of his liberality will never be known.

And now he has gone and those of us who have been on the same committee with him for years, or acting under his direction as organizer, will often remember how he would brighten a meeting by a dash of humour, that it made us feel we had enjoyed the evening together. In business transactions he was one of the most honourable men, who would never do a mean action by underselling a fellow tradesman, and in this cutting twentieth century of business, we might do worse than set up Harman Skinner Hanington as an example of an honourable business man, with a generous heart and kindliness of spirit with in the daily round of life.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
HANINGTON - Sept 9, at Northbrook street, Newbury, Harman Skinner Hanington, aged 4
Article source:   
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © 


This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Harman Skinner Hanington
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    12 September 1901
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




HANNINGTON – Sept 9, at Northbrook street, Newbury, Harman Skinner Hanington, aged 54.  Friends will kindly accept this, the only intimation.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

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Harman Skinner Hanington

©Cosburns local directory of Newbury
Harman Skinner Hanington
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Harman Skinner Hanington

Harman Skinner Hanington
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Harman Skinner Hanington
Harman Skinner Hanington
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Harmon Skinner Hanington
Mayor of Newbury 1894
©from “Regalia of the Town of Newbury, Berkshire” Compiled by Roderick Thomason, and reproduced with his kind permission.
Harmon Skinner Hanington
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Newbury Minstrels 1
Newbury Minstrels 1
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Newbury Minstrels 2
Newbury Minstrels 2
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wedding of Lord Carnarvon
wedding of Lord Carnarvon
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Newbury Volunteer Fire Brigade
Newbury Volunteer Fire Brigade


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