THE LATE MR. THOMAS WARD – A memorial stone has been placed over the grave of the late Mr. Thomas Ward, in Newbury Cemetery, bearing the following inscription:-
In affectionate remembrance of
Who died November 29th, 1882,
In the 64th year of his age.
“The spirit shall return to the God who gave it,”
“A light is from our household gone,
A voice we love is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.”
This stone was erected to the memory of
Thomas Ward, by his fellow officers, by
Whom he was held in great esteem, having
Filled the post of Master in the
Newbury Union Workhouse
For a period of
16 ½ years.
Newbury Weekly News 17 May 1883
Mrs. P. Code NCh 2 Page 74
He was buried on 2 December 1882 aged 63.
Also Mary Ann – widow who died on 4 April 1920 aged 83. |