Personal information about James Blackett

Below is all the information we have about James Blackett. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   James  Blackett
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   23 May 1877
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
Burial register information:
Book number: 1868
Page number: 155
Record number: 3639
Official at burial:
   E W Shalders.
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  James Blackett
  19 May 1877
  Vault with side panels, single front panel.
  Sandstone with engraved text.
  North facing top of slab: In Loving Memory of James Blackett of Donnington and Newbury who died May 19th. 1877 aged 68 years. "Always abounding in the work of the Lord." Cor. 58. At Rest. West facing top of slab: Walter James Blackett of Porchester Road at Rest July 5th. 1916, aged 75 years. South facing stop of slab Also of Mary Blackett (lettering sheared off) West facing panel: Also of Louisa. wife of the above, who passed away April 10th. 1925 aged 82 years. "Reunited" called to the higher service"
  Fair, lettering sheared off on West and South sides
    Some Text missing, completed from Mrs Pattison's record
  02 February 2012
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Walter James Blackett
Mary Blackett
Louisa Blackett



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

James Blacket
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    26 May 1877
Copyright:    © Berkshire Chronicle




Our obituary of to-day contains the names of two old and respected tradesmen of the town. These are Mr.James Blacket and Mr. Samuel Biddis.


Mr. Blacket succumbed on Saturday morning last to gradual illness of some month's duration. His death is real loss to the town. was a Liberal in politics, and was firm and conscientious in his adherence to the Independent body of religionists. His principles were maintained by him, without on the one hand any exhibition of party spirit, and on the other of any bigotry or intolerance. The respect in which was held by all parties and creeds was illustrated on Wednesday, the day of the funeral. The houses were partially closed and blinds drawn all along the route from Square to the Cemetery. The cortege was also followed the Mayor, several members of the Corporation, and a numerous body of tradesmen. The funeral service was read by the Rev. E. W. Shaldere, who also made a few fitting observations at the grave-side.




Berkshire Chronicle - Saturday 26 May 1877

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
James Blackett
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    31 May 1877
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News


—On Sunday last a funeral sermon with reference to Mr. Blanket, was preached at the Independent Chapel, by the Rev. E. W. Shalders. A very large congregation was present, most of whom appeared in mourning. The text was—" Demetrius hath good report of all men. and of the truth itself; yea, and we also bear record, and ye know that our record is true "-3 John, 12. For the name Demetrius, said the preacher, substitute that of our dear and honoured friend, James Blanket, and the application of the text will justify itself. The text was a testimonial to Christian character. A character free from blemish was a poor man's wealth and a rich man's glory. 
After some well timed remarks on the formation of character, Mr. Shalders proceeded to draw a comparison between the good man in the text and their departed friend, inviting his hearers to look at the fourfold testimony to his character which Mr. Blanket had left behind him—
(l) "He has a good report of all men;” 
(2) a good report of the truth itself; 
(3) personal testimony of the pastor, 
" We also bear record ;” (4) the concurrent testimony of the church, " Ye know that our testimony is true.” 
The concluding passages of the discourse referred in a touching manner to the incidents of the last hours of the deceased. We understand that the sermon is being printed for private circulation. 
On Sunday evening the Rev. W. Robinson preached at Thatcham Congregational Church from Acts viii., 2. " And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him." The subject was the office and the qualifications of a Christian deacon. Mr. Blanket, to whom the discourse referred, had, he said, been a trustee and kind and constant friend of the church at Thatcham for many years.
The following resolution was passed at a meeting of committee of the Boys' British School held yesterday, and the same was ordered to be entered upon the minutes :—" The death of Mr. James Blanket, for more than thirty years the secretary of this Boys' British School, necessitating the choice of a successor, the committee, before proceeding to appoint one of their number to the vacant office, desire to place on record their high esteem for his character and their deep sense of the indebtedness of this institution to his diligence, sound judgment, and liberal support. They would express their assured conviction that the lengthened prosperity of this school and its present efficiency are not a little owing to the unflagging zeal with which he diischarged his duties as secretary, and to the influence he exerted in the town on behalf of sound and unsectarian education ; and further, they pledge themselves, as well from regard to his memory as for the other and higher ends for which the school exists, to use their best efforts to promote its future welfare.” 
Mr. Thomas W. Fielder, of Enborne House, was subsequently appointed secretary. 
On Monday evening at a meeting of the members of the church, the following resolution was moved in feeling terms by Mr. Penford, the senior deacon, and seconded by Mr. Toomer :—" That this meeting deeply deplores the loss of Mr. James Blanket, who, for a period of 35 years, was a faithful and honoured deacon of this Church ; and desires to place on record their sense of his exalted character, eminent piety, and distinguished services. And further wishes to convey to Mrs. Blanket the assurance that its members deeply sympathise with her in the sad bereavement which she, in the providence of God, is called upon to sustain.”
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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