Personal information about Herbert John Finn

Below is all the information we have about Herbert John Finn. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Herbert John Finn
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   02 December 1922
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   50 Bartholomew Street, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 074
Record number: 10190
Official at burial:
   L.R. Majendie (Rector)
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  Herbert John FINN
  29 November 1922
  Large cross & angel statue,on 3 tiered base; 4 kerbstones
  Limestone Letters
  Top tier of base: "My faith looks up to thee/ Thou Lamb of Calvary / Saviour Divine." // Middle tier of base:In Loving Memory of / Margaret Maria / wife of Herbert John Finn / died March 28th. 1901 / aged 43 years. / 1 Cor. 111 v.21,22,23. // Bottom tier of base: And of Herbert John Finn / born October 6th. 1842 / At Rest November 29th. 1922. / "Because I live, ye shall live also." / St. John XIV, verse 19 //
  Very good
    Herbert was a Brewer & Maltster from Ipswish, Her first married Elizabeth Mary Cullingham, daughter of a Brewer & Maltster empl 129 hands in Ipswich. They had 3 children When Elizabeth died, he married her sister in London when it was against the law, but a common practice, to marry your late wife's sister. He moved to Newbury where he was Brewer & Maltster at the Phoenix Brewery, Bartholomew St, assisted by his son, Dudley Charles. After Margaret died, he married Edith Joan in 1907. Source: Ancestry records.
  01 November 2017
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Margaret Maria FINN



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    07 December 1922
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



It is with regret that we record the death of Mr. Herbert John Finn, a member of a well-known Kentish family, which took place on Wednesday last after ten years of illness and complete inactivity. Before coming to Newbury, the deceased gentleman was a partner in the Steam Brewery, Ipswich. Here he took an active in the affairs of the town and in Church life, being a Church Warden for many years.
He purchased the Phoenix Brewery in December, 1893, from the late Mr. Charles Nutley, was most successful in developing the business and well-known as an excellent judge of barley and hops. During his long period of illness, his son, Mr. Dudley Finn, has carried on the affairs of his business.

The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, the first part of the service being held at the Parish Church, and was taken by the Rector (the Rev. L.R. Majendie).
The mourners were Mrs. Finn (widow), Mr. Dudley Finn (son), Miss Finn and Mrs. Somerset (daughters), Mr. Ray Finn, Mr. Ernest Finn, Dr. Somerset, Mrs. Dudley, Mr. Charles Barry, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Finn, Mr. Walter Money, Capt. And Mrs. Elsworth Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Barnes, Capt. Barnes, Mr. Horley, Mr. and Mrs. Giffard Wells, Mr. A.T. Watson, Mr. F.D. Bazett, Mr. Gold, Mr. H. Hopton,, Mr. Bywater, Mr. King, tenants from Hungerford and Newbury, employees at the Brewery.
Among those present at the Church and at the graveside in Newbury Cemetery were Mr. E. Parfitt, Mr. V.C. Knight, Mr. W.H. Coldicutt, Mrs. Watts, Miss Oldfield, Mr. W.E.V. Tompkins, Mr. J.H. Spackman, Mr. W. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Addison, Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Whyman, Mr. J.W.H. Kemp, Miss Godwin, Mrs. Watts, Supt. Maunders, Sergt. Walker and many others.
There were a large number of floral contributions listed.
The body was enclosed in a shell with outer casket of unpolished oak and inscribed

“Herbert John Finn,
died November 29th 1922
aged 80.”

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Camp, Hopson and Co.

The Phoenix Brewery Newbury
Article source:    Newbury District Field Club Transactions of 1972
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © 



Extract from an article on The Phoenix Brewery Newbury 

by JWS Jones and AJ Taylor  - Newbury Museum Historical Group 

Included in The Newbury District Field Club Transactions of 1972


Established at 50 Bartholomew Street in 1841 by William Nutley, the Phoenix Brewery became one of 10 brewers operating in the town of Newbury by 1870. 


It was also known as Nutley’s Steam Brewery due possibly to its long association with the Nutley family, first William then Charles managing the business.  The latter sold out to Herbert John Finn in 1893. 

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

Other Resources

This person has featured in dramas performed by the Friends. Details below.

Residents Resurrected

First performed: 30/10/2015
Author: Ros Clow

The third production in 2015 “Residents Resurrected” was held in October using the sexton and the Grim Reaper as links between four monologues and one duologue, the Grim Reaper calling up spirits on Halloween. This time we put on three performances at the Phoenix Centre but later three of our characters, William Corden The Younger (Painter to Queen Victoria), Sarah Louisa Hopson (whose baby died in the Workhouse) and Herbert Finn (master at the Phoenix Brewery) reprised their roles in the cemetery in June.


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If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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