Personal information about Margaret Alice Scott Higgs
Below is all the information we have about Margaret Alice Scott Higgs. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.
Burial Information
Name on burial register: |
Margaret Alice Scott Higgs |
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge |
Age at death: |
99 |
Date of burial: |
02 September 1963 |
Abode at death:
(according to burial register) |
49, Romillies Road, Bedford Park, W.H. |
Burial register information: |
Book number: |
1917 |
Page number: |
308 |
Record number: |
12011 |
Official at burial: |
Rev Birt |
Burial Status: |
cremated remains |
Comments: |
probably Ramillies Rd London W4 |
Source of information: |
Burial Register |
Memorial Details
Margaret Higgs |
24 August 1963 |
100 |
Headstone, open book sculpture and kerbstones |
Marble |
From top of headstone: In Affectionate Remembrance of/ Lydia Eldridge/ the dearly beloved wife of/ Walter Higgs/ who fell asleep in Jesus/ Oct.7th. 1884/ aged 24 years./" Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death/ I will fear no evil."Ps.XXIII, 4 / Also of Walter Montague Collis/ the dearly beloved son of Walter & Lydia Higgs/ born Oct. 4th 1882/ died June 22nd. 1883/" Not lost but gone before."/ Also of/ Walter Higgs/ born Oct.6th 1853/ died Nov.25th.1904./ "Grant him O Lord Eternal rest./ Also of Lilian/ eldest and dearly loved daughter of Walter & Margaret Higgs/ born June 12th. 1890/ called home June 8th.1913./ "She lives remembers and loves."/ From top of open book memorial:/ Also of Ivy Higgs/ died Nov.4th 1956/ aged 56/ Dearly loved. / Also of Margaret Higgs/died Aug.24th. 1963/ In the hundredth year of her age./ Reunited./ Dorothy ?.A. Higgs born Aug. 30th. 1901, at rest April 12th. 1902. - Interred at ? cemetery, Croydon.
Fair, Inlaid letters, toppled headstone. |
P(A)9 |
Dorothy Higgs, who died in 1902 aged 1 year, is buried in a cemetery in Croydon.
03 August 2015 |
SC & AD |
Click here for more information on this memorial. |
Other people list on this memorial
Lydia Eldridge Higgs
Walter Montague Collis Higgs
Walter Higgs
Lilian Higgs
Ivy Higgs
Obituaries and Newspaper announcements
Biographies & History
No documents available at this time.
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*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO).Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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Website designed and maintained by Paul Thompson on behalf of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery.
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