Personal information about Thomas Kains

Below is all the information we have about Thomas Kains. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Thomas Kains
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    14 January 1873
Copyright:    © 



Obituary'.— Among the deaths which have occurred during the past week is that of Mr. Thomas Kains, of Shaw Crescent, which took place on the 12th inst. This well-known person deserves passing mention, if not a small niche—and he would not have required a large one—among the Worthies of Newbury.

 Mr. Kains was little in stature, but large in heart; for not only did he contribute £lOO towards the beautiful stained glass window of the chancel of Newbury Church, on having a moderate interest for the money allowed to him during his life, but he shewed that he was capable of blending self-denial with liberality in making a donation of a bell for the lower mortuary chapel in the Newbury Cemetery. For the latter purpose he accumulated his small savings for a long period, and actually paid the amount (about £l6 we think) in silver fourpenny pieces.

He has left no relatives either to bewail or to imitate generosity.



NB  It is very much suspected that he could have got a free burial as he had donated the bell to the chapel.   His wife has a grave and a gravestone, his relatives are also in the same grave W129. 

We have found other cases where the last one in the grave has no one to pay for the inscription

He is not mentioned in the Berks. Burial index

He was an estate agent colleague of Henry Burke Godwin!

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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