Personal information about Ellen Sturgess

Below is all the information we have about Ellen Sturgess. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Birth information

Name at birth:
   Ellen Sturgess
Date of birth:
Gender of Child:
Father's name:
   George Sturgess
Mother's name:
   Sarah Sturgess
Place of birth:
Parent's address at birth:
Birth certificate information
Registration year:
Registration quarter:
Registration district:
Register volume:
Register page/folio:
Click here to link to Free BMD register page for this record
Information Sources: FreeBMD, Ancestry, FNRC research  

Death Information

   Ellen Sturgess
Click to enlarge
Death certificate for Ellen Sturgess
Certificate provided by FNRC
Death certificate for
Ellen Sturgess
Click image to enlarge
Maiden name:
Date of Death:
   29 August 1899
Age at death:
  5 years and 4 months
Date of birth:
(From death certificate)
Place of birth:
(From death certificate)
Place of death:
   Golding's Yard, Cheap Street, Newbury
Usual address:
Cause of death:
  Accidental Death
Death certificate information
Registration year:
Registration quarter:
Registration district:
Register volume:
Register page/folio:
Link to Free BMD register page.
Information Sources: FreeBMD, Reading Mercury, Certificate

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Ellen Sturgess
01 September 1899
Unconsecrated Common Interment
Rev'd. J. Neville



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Ellen Sturgess' Tragic Death
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    07 September 1899
Copyright:    © NWN




The little girl Sturgess, who was killed by the fall of a tyre, was buried on Friday, the funeral being attended by a number of the scholars of the Stroud Green Sunday School, with which she was connected

The subscription raised by Mr. A. Lewis, was sufficient to pay the funeral expenses, as well as provide mourning for the mother and children.

We are desired by Mr. Lewis and the bereaved parents to thank the subscribers.


Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 07 September 1899

Fatal Accident at St. Mary's Hill
Fatal Accident at St. Mary's Hill
© Reading Mercury
Fatal Accident at St. Mary's Hill
Click image to enlarge
Article source:    Reading Mercury/Newbury Herald on Ancestry
Date of source:    02 September 1899
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury



On Wednesday Evening,, at the Police-court, the Borough Coroner (Dr. H. Watson) held an inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a child named Ellen Sturgess, aged five years and four months, which occurred on Tuesday morning. The jury, of whom Mr. Walford Poulton was foreman, having viewed the body, the following witnesses were examined:-

George Sturgess, a carman, in the employ of Mrs. Draper, cartage agent to the Great Western Railway Company, living in Golder’s Yard, Cheap Street, identified the body as that of his daughter, whom he last saw alive on Tuesday morning. About Midday he was sent for, and when he arrived home he found that the child was dead.

Fanny Sturgess, aged 14, sister of the deceased, stated that on Tuesday morning about half a dozen children were playing in Golding’s yard. There was a large tyre belonging to a timber carriage wheel leaning against the wall. The tyre fell forward and struck the deceased on the head. The other children were caught up in the tyre, but not hurt.

Mr. Richard Hickman, surgeon, stated that at a quarter to one on Tuesday he went to Golding’s yard but found that the child had just died. He afterwards examined the deceased, and found there was a slight abrasion on the left cheek, a bruise on the left forehead, and a slight depression of the bone, but no fracture. Directly after the child died blood poured from both ears, nostrils and mouth, and from that circumstance witness that death had resulted from a fracture at the base of the skull. The base was fractured right across, which was beyond doubt the cause of death. The force of the blow must have been transmitted form the forehead to the base of the skull.

The coroner, in summing up, observed that it was a dangerous practice to leave such heavy articles against a wall where there were young children playing, and he hoped the tyre would be removed immediately. It was a pure accident, and no one could be blamed. Addressing Sturgess, the Coroner said he was very sorry indeed that he should be so unfortunate to lose two of his children by accident. It was only two years ago that he held another inquest on another of his children.

A juror, to whom the tyre belonged, stated that it had been left in the same place for eleven months, but should be at once removed.

The hurry returned a verdict of “Accidental Death”.


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