Personal information about Edwin Froome Stillman

Below is all the information we have about Edwin Froome Stillman. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Edwin Froome STILLMAN
  21 September 1888
  Large cross with base and kerbs (Cross broken off in 2019 by tree branch)
  Base: John Stillman / died Jan 21st1881 / aged 53 years / For 20 years Parish Clerk of Newbury / Well-known and much respected / in the Town and Neighbourhood as a diligent and faithful servant of the church / This memorial has been erected to his memory by Public Subscription / Also of Sarah / wife of the above / died Jan 19th 1905 / aged 83 years / Also of Edwin Frome / his son born Dec 24th 1852 / died Sept 21st 1888 / Also of John Edgar / their son / born Sept 14 1856 / died April 5 1921
  Green but good condition, kerbstone sunken
  CH15 (D)
  12 October 2016
  JB & SK
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Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Edwin Froome Stillman
24 September 1888
Consecrated Private Grave
Reverend Llewellyn Bevan



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Pictures and photographs

Click to enlarge
Edwin Froome Stillman
Gravestone in Newtown Road Cemetery,Newbury
Edwin Froome Stillman
Click to enlarge
Edwin Froome Stillman
Gravestone sadly damaged when a branch from the cedar tree fell and broke off the cross
Edwin Froome Stillman
Click to enlarge
Edwin Froome Stillman
Gravestone sadly damaged when a branch from the cedar tree fell and broke off the cross
Edwin Froome Stillman


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*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO).Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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Website designed and maintained by Paul Thompson on behalf of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery.

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