THE FUNERAL OF MR. E.W. CAVE, took place on Friday, the corpse being taken first to the Parish Church, where the first part of the service was read and thence to the cemetery; here a large number of persons had assembled, including Lieut. Somerset, Color-Sergt. Higgs. Sergt-Inst. Berry, Corpl. G. J. Cox, and other volunteers, who thus testified to the respect in which their late comrade was held.
Acting upon the wish of the deceased, that there should be no military funeral, the volunteers were in private clothes The coffin was covered with numerous beautiful wreaths, one floral tribute bearing the inscription, "In loving memory, from his comrades, March 26, 1886."
A number of relatives and friends followed the deceased to the grave, among them being his father, Sergt. Cave, late drill instructor to the E. Company.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Lucas and Son.
Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 01 April 1886 |