Personal information about Samuel George Hunt
Below is all the information we have about Samuel George Hunt. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.
Memorial Details
No memorial information available at this time.
Cemetery Accounts Record
The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.
Samuel George Hunt
Newbury Cemetery Company Accounts Books. Book: 02 Page: 022
©Newbury Town Council.
Originals held at the Berkshire Record Office.
29 January 1886 |
Newbury |
Consecrated Family Vault |
Reverend J Atkins |
02 |
022 |
Obituaries and Newspaper announcements
Samuel George Hunt |
Article source: |
Newbury Weekly News |
Date of source: |
28 January 1886 |
Copyright: |
© Newbury Weekly News |
The late Mr S G Hunt – The somewhat sudden death of Mr S G Hunt, of the Jack Hotel, early on Monday morning, occasioned a painful sensation in the town. It appears that Mr Hunt, who had been out on Saturday, felt unwell on Sunday, but the indisposition was not regarded as serious. Growing worse however his medical attendant, Dr Palmer, was sent for, who pronounced the symptoms as serious, and a nurse was at once procured. He passed away however about six o’clock on the following morning. Mr Hunt was a Freemason, and a trooper in the Yeomanry Cavalry: he was also formerly an Oddfellow, and belonged to the Fire Brigade. Personally he was of a very genial disposition, and his loss will be sincerely deplored by his numerous friends. The funeral takes place to-morrow. |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Samuel George Hunt |
Article source: |
The Freemason |
Date of source: |
06 February 1886 |
Copyright: |
© as above |
A painful sensation was produced throughout Newbury on Monday week by the intelligence that Bro.S G Hunt, the well-known proprietor of the Jack Hotel – one of the most famous commercial houses in the county – had expired somewhat suddenly early that morning. Bro. Hunt had been in impaired health for some time, but he was sufficiently well to attend the Cycling Club Ball ob the previous Thursday night, and was engaged in his usual duties at the hotel up to Saturday night. He complained of feeling unwell on Sunday afternoon, and as the evening advanced Bro. Montagu Palmer was sent for, and it was then found that Bro. Hunt’s illness was of a grave character. His near relatives were summoned, and about five o’clock he breathed his last. Bro. Hunt was of a genial disposition, and his death is deplored by a large circle of his friends and acquaintances.
The funeral took place on Friday, at the Cemetery, when the deceased was interred with Masonic honours, having been a P.M. of 574, and also a Prov. G. Officer of the Berks and Bucks Province, having held office as Prov. G.D. of C. The weather was unfavourable in the extreme, but although rain descended in torrents a large number of deceased’s Masonic brethren and friends assembled to pay their last token of respect. The mournful cortege left the deceased’s residence shortly before midday, the cortege being conveyed in Mrs. Wootten’s open funeral car. The coffin, of polished oak, was completely covered by beautiful floral wreaths and crosses sent by friends, and a floral Masonic device – the square and compasses – contributed by the W.M. , officers, and brethren of the Newbury Freemasons’ Lodge. The Masonic arrangements were directed by Bro.W.Knight, D.C., assisted by Bro.W.Balding A.D.C., and among the brethren who attended were the W.M., Bro.Montagu Palmer, who was immediately preceded by Bro. George J. Cosburn, one of the oldest members of the lodge, bearing the volume of the Sacred Law on a velvet cushion, P.M’s Geo.Boyer and Stephen Knight, and Bros. A Stradling, Newbery, Nundy, Harrold., W T Graham, Palmer, T.Hawkins, J.Hamlen, A.W Neate, Salisbury, C.Hopson, Legg, Dodd, and others. The burial service was performed by Bro. the Rev.John Atkins, Prov. G. Chap., assisted by Bro. the Rev. R Williams. The funeral arrangements were satisfactorily conducted by Bro.H S Hanington, of Northbrook Street. Shutters were put up and blinds drawn at most of the shops and private houses en route, and, despite the drenching rain, a large concourse of the deceased’s friends assembled around the grave.
The deceased, who was in his 36th year, was Life Governor of two of the Masonic Charities, also a member of the Royal Berks. Yeomanry, an Oddfellow, and formerly a member of the Newbury Voluteer Fire Brigade. Several members of these bodies attended the funeral. He leaves a young widow to deplore his early death. |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Samuel George Hunt |
Article source: |
Newbury Weekly News |
Date of source: |
04 February 1886 |
Copyright: |
© Newbury Weekly News |
The late Mr S G Hunt – The funeral took place on Friday at the Cemetery, when the deceased was interred with Masonic honours, having been a Past Master of the Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope, No 574, and also a Provincial Grand Officer of the Berks and Bucks Province, and having held office as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. The funeral cortege left the deceased’s residence (the Jack Hotel) shortly before midday, the corpse being conveyed in Mrs. Wootten’s open funeral car. The coffin, of polished oak, was completely covered by beautiful floral wreaths and crosses sent by friends, and a floral Masonic device – the square and compasses – contributed by the W M officers and brethren of the Newbury Freemasons Lodge. The Masonic arrangements were directed by Bro Knight, D.C., assisted by Bro. W Balding, A>D>C, and among the brethren who attended were the W M (Bro. Montagu Palmer) who was immediately preceded by Bro. Cosburn (one of the oldest members f the Lodge) bearing the volume of the Sacred Law on a velvet cushion. Past Masters Geo. Boyer and Stephen Knight, and Bros. A Stradling, Newbery, Nundy, W T Graham, Palmer, T Hawkins, J Hamlen, A W Neate. Salisbury, C Hopson, Legg, Dodd, &c. The burial service was performed by Bro. the Rev. John Atkins, Provincial Grand Chaplain, assisted by Bro the Rev. R Williams. The funeral arrangements were satisfactorily conducted by Bro H S Hanington of Northbrook Street. Shutters were put up and blinds drawn at most of the shops and private houses en route, and, despite the drenching rain, a large concourse of the deceased’s friends assembled around the grave, amoung whom were several of the Yeomanry comrades of the deceased, who was a member of the Newbury Troup R.B.Y.C. These were Quartermaster Staples, Sergt. Major Carter, Sergeants Scriven, A.Bailey and J A Johnston, Corporals Lovell and A Hollands, Privates F Flower, F V Johnston, and W Flower, Major Thurlow the Captain of the Newbury Troop, had signified his intebntion of attending but was prevented through an unexpected engagement. |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Pictures and photographs
Jack hotel
©Jim Bradshaw
Jack hotel
Jack Hotel
Jack Hotel
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