Personal information about Francis Davis
Below is all the information we have about Francis Davis. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.
Memorial Details
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Cemetery Accounts Record
The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.
Francis Davis
Newbury Cemetery Company Accounts Books. Book: 1 Page: 97
©Newbury Town Council.
Originals held at the Berkshire Record Office.
08 August 1868 |
Newbury |
Consecrated - Family Vault |
Rev'd. J.L. Randall |
1 |
97 |
Obituaries and Newspaper announcements
Francis Davis |
Article source: |
Newbury Weekly News |
Date of source: |
06 August 1868 |
Copyright: |
© Newbury Weekly News |
THE LATE MR FRANCIS DAVIS – The decease of Mr Davis, which occurred last Saturday morning, will have occasioned a wide-spread feeling of regret in Newbury. During a long period of residence in the town, Mr Davis has earned the sincere esteem of a wide circle of friends and there are few names which are more widely resected than his. Although Mr Davis was not one of those whose tastes lead them to an active and continued participation in public affairs, yet he was always ready to do his share in any public involvement, particularly if of a philanthropic or charitable nature, and the confidence which his fellow townsmen reposed in him was evidenced by the fact of his beng chosen some years ago as one of the trustees of the Municipal Charities. We understand that the funeral takes place tomorrow. |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Biographies & History
No documents available at this time.
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