Monument Details


  Headstone & kerbstones
  ILRO / Edward DRAPER / born Jan. 21 1835, died Nov. 7 1869 “In my father’s house are many mansions.” / Also of Fred son of the above, born Oct. 22nd. 1865 / died Oct. 8. 1869 Also Florence/ daughter of the above/ born Feb. 14th. 1869 Died May 30th. 1870. / Also Arthur / son of the above / born July 21 1867 / died March 25 1877./ “suffer little children to come unto me.”
  Good although some letters lifting off
  NCh 13
    See also Sarah Draper (mother) NE 13A
  25 September 2015

Persons named on this monument.

Edward Draper  
Fred Herbert Draper  
Florence Draper  
Arthur Draper  

Images of this memorial.

Website designed and maintained by Paul Thompson on behalf of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery.

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