Martha Tranter c1788- 1866

Author: C Gambles
Date published: 25/09/2022

Martha Tranter

c1788- 1866


Martha Thorne was born in Newbury she married Benjamin Tranter on the 23rd May 1816 at St Nicolas Church Newbury (both were single).

Benjamin and Martha had at least two children, William born c1818 and Martha Ann (aka Ann) baptised 6th October 1822 at St Nicolas Church Newbury.

The 1841 census records Benjamin (65), as a Corn Porter, Martha (60), as a Fruit Seller and their daughter Ann (15) living in Kimber’s Court, Newbury.

Benjamin died aged 70 in 1842, he was buried on the 12th October at St Nicolas Newbury.

The 1851 census records Martha (63), as a Pauper/Greengrocer, living with her son William (31), a Grocer’s Porter and his family in Kimber’s Yard, Newbury.

The 1861 census records Martha (73), as Formerly a Greengrocer, visiting at the home of Elizabeth Nalder (67) at Church Almshouses, Newbury.

Martha died aged 78 in 1866, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 4th June.


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